[Nut-upsuser] usbhid-ups driver can't be killed...

Frédéric Marchal frederic.marchal at aktor.fr
Tue Sep 8 12:35:55 UTC 2009

Thanks !

Unfortunately, this server is too old to have IPMI (no comment).
I will post on my linux distro forums to resolve this kernel issue !

Charles Lepple a écrit :
> On Sep 8, 2009, at 6:14 AM, Frédéric Marchal wrote:
>> Hello
>> I'm encountering a big problem with usbhid-ups driver : the driver 
>> hangs after loading some other modules (stale data message) !
>> And we can't restart it.
>> We load :
>> i2c-piix4
>> adm1021
>> adm9240
>> lm75
>> The unloading of the modules doesn't solve the problem.
> There is no direct connection between the kernel i2c drivers and 
> userspace programs that interface to USB devices.
> The only potential connection is that your USB root hub might be part 
> of the same peripheral chip as the i2c bus master (PIIX4-compatible).
>> After I've unplugged the ups from the usb port, lsusb has hanged too !
> Definitely sounds like a kernel problem. When things are working 
> properly, lsusb should not hang.
> The best place to debug this is probably with your Linux distribution 
> support channels (and you will need to give them much more specific 
> information about your kernel version). There may be an interrupt 
> issue with the i2c drivers. If you have another way of getting the 
> sensor information (such as IPMI) you might want to look into that 
> instead.

Frédéric MARCHAL
Responsable Informatique
AKTOR Interactive
Pavillons de Sermenaz
Bâtiment P3
2507 Avenue de l'Europe
69140 Rillieux-La-Pape
Tél :
Email : frederic.marchal at aktor.fr
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