[Nut-upsuser] APC Smart-UPS X 1500 Restart Issue.

Jain, Arvind AJain at dataram.com
Fri Aug 20 15:56:47 UTC 2010

APC Smart-UPS X 1500 Restart Issue.


Hi All, 

I have installed nut-2.4.3. I have manually modified the files apc-hid.c
and udev-rules to support 5G APC UPS. I took sample code from the 2.5
development tree.


Shutdown process is working very well -- upsmon creates the file
/etc/killpower - shutdown script checks for the file and issues
/sbin/upsdrvctl shutdown - UPS cuts the power off. All is well.


I am facing an issue when power is reapplied to the UPS. Following is
the behavior I see:

1. Power comes back to the outlet.

2. System powers up. 

3. When system reaches "Starting udev", UPS power cycles again.

Above cycle repeats forever. 


If I cut the power to UPS for ~20 mins and then re-apply power to UPS,
system comes back fine.


I was searching through the mail-list and I see some other people are
experiencing similar issue:


I was wondering if there is a resolution for this issue.


My environment:
[root at DVXSAJ02 etc]# uname -a

Linux DVXSAJ02 #1 SMP Sat Aug 14 10:13:27 EDT 2010
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


[root at DVXSAJ02 etc]# cat /etc/redhat-release

CentOS release 5.4 (Final)


[root at DVXSAJ02 etc]# upsc scups

battery.charge: 89

battery.charge.low: 10

battery.charge.warning: 50

battery.runtime: 1673

battery.runtime.low: 376

battery.type: PbAc

battery.voltage: 54.2

battery.voltage.nominal: 48.0

device.mfr: American Power Conversion

device.model: Smart-UPS X 1500

device.serial: AS0946124031

device.type: ups

driver.flag.pollonly: enabled

driver.name: usbhid-ups

driver.parameter.offdelay: 20

driver.parameter.ondelay: 30

driver.parameter.pollfreq: 15

driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2

driver.parameter.port: auto

driver.version: 2.4.3

driver.version.data: APC HID 0.95

driver.version.internal: 0.34

ups.beeper.status: enabled

ups.delay.shutdown: 20

ups.firmware: COM 02.3 / UPS 02.2

ups.mfr: American Power Conversion

ups.mfr.date: 2009/12/19

ups.model: Smart-UPS X 1500

ups.productid: 0003

ups.serial: AS0946124031

ups.status: OL CHRG

ups.timer.reboot: -1

ups.timer.shutdown: -1

ups.vendorid: 051d

[root at DVXSAJ02 etc]#


 [root at DVXSAJ02 etc]# cat /etc/sysconfig/ups

# If the UPS is locally attached set it to "yes"


# Any options to pass to upsd


# Added MODEL=upsdrvctl so that /etc/init.d/halt will issue
"/sbin/upsdrvctl shutdown"


# This *must* be the same as in /etc/ups/upsmon.conf



# [End]


[root at DVXSAJ02 etc]# cat /etc/ups/ups.conf



        driver = usbhid-ups

        port = auto

        desc = "UPS on USB"





Any suggestion is welcome.

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