[Nut-upsuser] Liebert UPS GXT3 and Debian 6

Don Gould don at bowenvale.co.nz
Sun Jun 12 05:45:34 UTC 2011

Charles thank you so much for taking the time to follow up this issue! :)

This is simply a quick post to acknowledge your efforts as I will be 
very busy this week and may not get to this issue before next week.


On 12/06/2011 6:49 a.m., Charles Lepple wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Charles Lepple<clepple at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 8:39 AM, Arnaud Quette<aquette.dev at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> 2011/6/8 Don Gould<don at bowenvale.co.nz>
>>>> On 8/06/2011 11:04 p.m., Charles Lepple wrote:
>>>>> On Jun 8, 2011, at 6:29 AM, Don Gould wrote:
>>>>>> it was suggested to me that nut might support my new ups.
>>>>>> I have a headless debian box that it will be powering.
>>>>>> Can someone tell me what packages I need to install?
>>>>> The base package for NUT in Debian is just called "nut" (currently at
>>>>> version 2.4.3):
>>>>>    http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/nut
>>>>> However, I don't think any of the NUT developers currently own a GXT3,
>>>> Well I have one and I'm more than willing to provide system access to the
>>>> devs if they want to help figure this out.
>>>> I've been though a number of weeks bouncing messages at the manufacture of
>>>> the UPS to end up with a less than satisfactory answer and I'd just love to
>>>> see this puppy with some functional FLOSS driving it.
>> Don,
>> There's a simple program that Peter Selinger wrote a few years ago to
>> grab some of the information from the UPS's USB interface - I'll dig
>> that up and we can try to figure out what's going on. As a minimum,
>> you'll need the Debian build-essentials package, as well as
>> libusb-dev.
> Here's the program:
>    http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut-upsdev/2006-November/001292.html
> You should be able to build it with the following command:
>   $ gcc -o get_descriptor get_descriptor.c -lusb
> (after installing the packages listed above)
> Assuming that 'lsusb -v' (run as root) returns the same information as
> Juan Pablo Valles posted on 5/30/2011, I think you'll need to run it
> as follows:
>   # ./get_descriptor<bus>  <device>  1 0 0 128 0x22 0
> <bus>  and<device>  are from the line of lsusb output which matches your UPS.
> Juan, if you would like to try the same program, that would also be
> useful to compare results.

Don Gould
31 Acheson Ave
Christchurch, New Zealand
Ph: + 64 3 348 7235
Mobile: + 64 21 114 0699

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