[Nut-upsuser] Driver for a REDi Blazer 600VA UPS

Marius Gavrilescu gmariusx at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 4 08:25:06 UTC 2012

I'm running NUT 2.6.3 on Debian wheezy [ with a 3.3.0 i686 kernel ]
I've installed NUT via Debian APT [ package nut version 2.6.3-1 ]
I have a REDi Blazer 600VA (BLAZER600c) UPS and I want to detect
power failures.
I have tried the following drivers:
* gamatronic: Can't talk to UPS on port /dev/ttyS1!
* bestups: Unable to detect a Best/SOLA or Phoenix protocol UPS
* blazer_ser: No supported UPS detected

I have also tried genericups with upstype=4, upstype=13, then
I set OL to -DCD, then to -RNG, with no change when I cut the power

Then I restored the power and ran statserial, which showed [*].
Cutting the power didn't change anything

What should I try/do next?

[*] statserial output:

Device: /dev/ttyS1

Signal  Pin  Pin  Direction  Status  Full
Name    (25) (9)  (computer)         Name
-----   ---  ---  ---------  ------  -----
FG       1    -      -           -   Frame Ground
TxD      2    3      out         -   Transmit Data
RxD      3    2      in          -   Receive  Data
RTS      4    7      out         1   Request To Send
CTS      5    8      in          0   Clear To Send
DSR      6    6      in          0   Data Set Ready
GND      7    5      -           -   Signal Ground
DCD      8    1      in          0   Data Carrier Detect
DTR     20    4      out         1   Data Terminal Ready
RI      22    9      in          0   Ring Indicator

Marius Gavrilescu
(science-kids) Rain is saved up in cloud banks.
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