[Nut-upsuser] Tripp Lite SMART2200CRMXL

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Sat Jun 16 03:57:56 UTC 2012

On Jun 15, 2012, at 1:12 PM, deadrabbit wrote:

> I'm trying to get a SMART2200CRMXL to work with nut, using a USB
> cable. tripplite_usb -a upsname returns:
> Network UPS Tools - Tripp Lite OMNIVS and SMARTPRO driver 0.11.1 (2.2.2)
> Warning: This is an experimental driver.
> Some features may not function correctly.
> No matching USB/HID UPS found
> My system info:
> CentOS 5.5
> nut installed from repo
> upsd version 2.2.2
> TrippLite SMART2200CRMXL
> (http://www.tripplite.com/en/products/model.cfm?txtModelID=3825)


> Checking device (09AE/3014) (003/003)
> - VendorID: 09ae
> - ProductID: 3014
> - Manufacturer: unknown
> - Product: unknown
> - Serial Number: unknown
> - Bus: 003
> Trying to match device
> Device does not match - skipping

This is your UPS, but it is actually covered by the usbhid-ups driver (tripplite_usb only handles Product ID 0001). I think later versions of NUT will print a message to that effect.

Also, I don't know that usbhid-ups knows about your model in v2.2.2, but you can try it. If not, you probably need to upgrade to at least NUT v2.4.0 or later. I think there are some RHEL/Centos RPMs floating around.

Charles Lepple
clepple at gmail

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