[Nut-upsuser] Loses connection after a month or so

paul at smithp.co.uk paul at smithp.co.uk
Sat Aug 29 07:11:36 UTC 2015


    I have a Liebert UPS which I have connected to a FreeNAS Box. I had all
sorts of issues making FreeNAS (FreeBSD based) talk to the UPS over USB.


My solution seemed to be to buy a Raspberry Pi then connect it to the UPS
(works fine), then make my NAS read the UPS status from the Pi over a TCP/IP
connection. Convoluted I know, but it works well...for about a month, then
it just loses connection. The Raspberry Pi stops communicating with the UPS
- rebooting the Pi resolves the issue.


I have a couple of things to do (like updating the software on the Pi),
which I am hoping might resolve the connection problem but my question is;


Is there a way (has anyone done it) to reboot (not shutdown!!) the host if
communications to the UPS fails - I want to automatically reboot my Pi after
a couple of minutes of no communications.


Has anyone done this? Is there a setting that I can add to monitor nut or
the usb subsystem and find out that comms has failed, then run a script to


I note that there is a message "Communications with UPS Liebert at 192.x.x.x
<mailto:Liebert at 192.x.x.x>  lost" which occurs in /var/daemon.log if that


It always seems to fall over sometime during the night and then I usually
wake up to 80 - 100 email messages from my NAS box saying it has lost the


Best Regards,

Paul Smith




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