[Nut-upsuser] Install problems (group permissions) with nut 2.7.2

Rob Groner rgroner at RTD.com
Tue Feb 17 21:37:24 UTC 2015

I am attempting to do a from-scratch install of nut into openSUSE 13.1 so I can document the steps a customer will need to follow to make nut work with our UPS.  I'm running into the problem I have always run into, which is permissions.

I have created the user "ups" and the group "nut" and made ups a member of that group.

I executed:   ./configure --with-user=ups --with-group=nut --with-usb --with-dev

Looking at the output, I see that it does recognize that I put a user and group into the command line arg.

Doing a grep for the user and group, I see that it is present in many places as "RUN_AS_USER = ups" and "RUN_AS_GROUP = nut"

I then executed a make, and sudo make install.

I had thought that giving the user and the group would mean that the /usr/local/ups/* directories and binaries created by "make install" would have "nut" as their group, but they don't....they have only root:root.  Does the group permissions not get set in these directories upon install?  I thought that was the point of creating the user and group in the beginning.

Thank you,

Rob Groner

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