[Nut-upsuser] No power cycle after shutdown on Atlantis Land OnePower A03-S1001

Roger Price roger at rogerprice.org
Wed Oct 14 08:17:25 UTC 2015

On Wed, 14 Oct 2015, Davide Baldini wrote:

> the full output of upsc ${myups} is at https://pastebin.mozilla.org/8849188 ;
> in particular:
> 	ups.delay.shutdown: 30
> 	ups.delay.start: 180
> However, the UPS does not shut down, not immediately nor well after the 
> timeout of the command: upscmd -u admin -p mypass myups shutdown.return 360

What does "ps aux | grep ups" report?  Does "upsdrvctl shutdown" have any 
effect?  Make sure that your box is not taking power from the UPS when 
you do this.  Load the UPS with a table lamp so that you see any shutdown.


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