[Nut-upsuser] how do you test (nagios) that upsmon is connected?

Roger Price roger at rogerprice.org
Sat Apr 1 20:54:34 UTC 2017

On Sat, 1 Apr 2017, Stuart Gathman wrote:

> On 04/01/2017 03:14 PM, Dan Craciun wrote:
>> On my Nagios monitoring system I use check_nut_plus (that in turn
>> calls upsc) to monitor the status (ups.status), load (ups.load),
>> battery charge (battery.charge) and runtime (battery.runtime).
>> If these return "unknown", it means upsd is no longer monitoring the
>> UPS. As long as you get data, upsd is working.
> That's great, but Spike wants to know whether *upsmon* is working.  He
> already has a way to check that upsd is working.

How about using a dummy ups to set up a regular end-to-end heart beat. 
As long as the heart beats, there is no news, but if it stops, 
upssched-cmd sends out an e-mail or other warning.

In ups.conf, add

         driver = dummy-ups
         port = heartbeat.dev
         desc = "Dummy ups sends heart beat to upssched-cmd"

In heartbeat.dev, write

ups.status: REPLBATT

In upsmon.conf, write


In upssched.conf, add

# Heatbeat from dummy ups every 5 minutes, re-start 6 minute timer
AT REPLBATT heartbeat CANCEL-TIMER heatbeat-timer
AT REPLBATT heartbeat START-TIMER  heatbeat-timer 360

In upssched-cmd, if heatbeat-timer completes, then send "UPS heatbeat 
failure" message to sysadmin.

If this works, let me know, and I will use it myself :-)
It would be nice to have a HEARTBEAT status instead of using REPLBATT.


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