[Nut-upsuser] Device not supported?

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Wed Jul 5 23:38:36 UTC 2017

On Jul 5, 2017, at 7:23 PM, Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
>> Manuel: did you happen to regenerate the udev files, or use one of the Buildbot tarballs? We typically don't bother to do that until "make dist" before a release (since the rules files are generated from *.in files based on configure parameters), so your package might still have the rules file from 2.7.4 (which does not include protocol 1330).
> yes, the package installed by Mr. Coletti includes the new rules:

Thanks for checking. (I really should set up a Fedora VM and/or learn how to use alien to check on things like this.)

Does udev automatically reload when the rules files change? The Debian/Ubuntu packages are supposed to run "udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=usb --action=change" as part of the postinst.

(I think udev rescans the rules when a device is plugged in, so unplugging and re-plugging the USB cable should work, too.)

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