[Nut-upsuser] Compaq R3000h support

Larry Fahnoe fahnoe at fahnoetech.com
Sat Jul 22 13:10:14 UTC 2017

On Sat, Jul 22, 2017 at 7:48 AM, Charles Lepple <clepple at gmail.com> wrote:

> I also have not used a Synology device, but as I recall, they generally
> expect to be the NUT master system. This may cause problems if you need to
> do something fancy with upssched.

The Synology  boxes work fine as NUT clients, *however* they provide very
little ability to configure NUT options. Specifically, the UPS name,
username and password are all hard-coded (at least on DSM 6.x last time I
looked at it), so the main NUT configuration on the NUT master must use
these values for slaves:

UPS - ups
Username - monuser
Password - secret

Therefore protect the NUT network segment appropriately.


Larry Fahnoe, Fahnoe Technology Consulting, fahnoe at FahnoeTech.com
           Minneapolis, Minnesota       www.FahnoeTech.com
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