[Nut-upsuser] No run cmd /usbhid-ups -k !

rakoi at mail.telekom.sk rakoi at mail.telekom.sk
Tue Jul 3 13:55:37 BST 2018

Hi all.

UPS is Eaton 5SC 500i.

I tested three solutions:

1. swap "usbhid-ups -a qnapups" with "usbhid-ups -a qnapups -k"
Result: server shutdown, but ups does not shut off!
2. run prog with params "upsmon -c fsd"
Result: server shutdown, but ups does not shut off!
3. run prog "upscmd -u name -p passwd qnapups shutdown.return"
   and next "shutdown".
Result: server shutdown, but ups does shut off! UPS immediately ON after
power up.

I changed the ups in the following way:
Set with upsrw: ups.delay.shutdown=60
Set with upsrw: ups.delay.start=90
Set with upsrw: ups.start.auto=no
Set with upsrw: ups.start.auto=no
Set with upsrw: ups.start.battery=no
Set with upsrw: ups.start.reboot=no

Please do not know how to write some parameters permanently to UPS?

Sorry but I'm over Mailing lists not works!

Thx Jan.

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