[Nut-upsuser] How to shutdown macOS / mac OSX from Network UPS Tools client - NUT

Joe Gervasio joe at gervasio.co.uk
Sun Jun 9 15:39:46 BST 2019

Thanks Roger and Charles for your responses.

Simple question first

> > Have you tried typing the command "/sbin/shutdown -u -h +1" directly?  Does this perform a shutdown?

Yes, it does shutdown the iMac.

> >   Is your System Shutdown Plan to shut down using upsmon or using the script upsched-cmd? 

This question undermines my reading of the documentation.  I had thought that these were separate things: 

    SHUTDOWNCMD "/sbin/shutdown -u -h +1" 
    NOTIFYCMD /opt/local/sbin/upssched

I had assumed that the SHUTDOWNCMD would be used by the Nut client (upsmon) to shutdown the slave system,  and that the NOTIFYCMD would be responsible for notifying users of what is going on.  

But I am now inferring from your question, that use of the NOTIFYCMD supersedes or overrides the functionality of the former.  Is that correct?  So if I use a NOTIFYCMD, then I should implement the actual shutdown logic as well as the notification logic in that script, forgetting about SHUTDOWNCMD?

> > I have never used a Synology box, but I vaguely remember them not using the NUT LB state. 

I _believe_ that Synology do use the low battery state – it’s certainly in the configuration files, and I have seen the low battery warning being sent to the iMac slave.

Is there some way I can test my setup without having to deplete and recharge my UPS every iteration?    I have tried:
      upsmon –c fsd   (on the master system)
but all that happens is the iMac repeatedly declares ‘Executing automatic power-fail shutdown’ but does not actually do anything, and nor do any of the other systems :-(.  Clearly I’ve got something horribly wrong in my configurations, but being able to simulate on-battery, low-battery etc. from the UPS would really help the testing/diagnosis!

Thanks again for your help


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