[Nut-upsuser] Synology NAS is shutting down Ubuntu servers after very brief power outage (fwd)

Todd Benivegna todd at benivegna.com
Wed Aug 5 01:44:21 BST 2020

> Sorry. I've lost the thread here, what is the "it" you refer to?
I’m not an linux expert so you’ll have to bear with me, but I guess the it I was referring to whatever NUT is using since what we’re editing is a config file, not a script; it doesn’t have a shebang at the top.

> If you run the command
> grep nut /etc/password
I got:  grep: /etc/password: No such file or directory

> can be seen on
> a Debian box with the command
> ls -alF /bin/sh
I got:  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Apr 23 11:02 /bin/sh -> dash*

Also I did "echo $SHELL" in a terminal window and got "/bin/bash”.  So what I found earlier is true; Bash is used in the Terminal app and Dash is used for scripts.

So anyway, I guess that means that it is using Dash then, correct?

Ok, so I copied the getUPSstatus function in .profile as well.  So it has been added to both .bashrc and .profile and I have added...

SHUTDOWNCMD "getUPSstatus ups at ; logger -t upsmon.conf \"UPS status is $UPSstatus\" ; /sbin/shutdown -h +0"

…to my upsmon.conf.  So I think I should be go to go for the next time this happens; should get some more information as to what is going on.

Also, I was thinking about your suggestion, Manuel, to use Wireshark as well.  You mentioned,
> My first suspect is the Synology version of nut. More specifically, I suspect that nut triggers a shutdown immediately after the switch to "on battery" state and only cancels it after a restart.
That may seem to be the case, however, whenever I test by manually pulling the power, the servers stay up and all appears normal.  It has happened three times now where I am away and the power goes out for 3-5 seconds and the servers shutdown and will stay down, even if I try to power back on, until I restart the Synology NAS.

Thanks for both your guys’ help with everything so far…. I really appreciate it.


Todd Benivegna // todd at benivegna.com
On Aug 4, 2020, 2:38 PM -0400, Roger Price <roger at rogerprice.org>, wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Aug 2020, Todd Benivegna wrote:
> > Right, but I don't know what NUT script is actually calling it.  I don't know how else I would check.
> Sorry. I've lost the thread here, what is the "it" you refer to?
> If you run the command
> grep nut /etc/password
> you will probably receive a reply similar to
> nut:x:121:126::/var/lib/nut:/bin/false
> The /bin/false implies that user nut uses the default shell which can be seen on
> a Debian box with the command
> ls -alF /bin/sh
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Jan 24 2017 /bin/sh -> dash*
> This says that Dash is the default for the command line and for scripts. As
> Manuel has said this can be changed with the first line of a script, e.g.
> #!/bin/bash
> says that this script uses Bash.
> Roger
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