[Nut-upsuser] Synology NAS is shutting down Ubuntu servers after very brief power outage (fwd)

Larry Fahnoe fahnoe at fahnoetech.com
Fri Aug 14 13:16:13 BST 2020

On Thu, Aug 13, 2020 at 7:46 PM Todd Benivegna <todd at benivegna.com> wrote:

> So I finally got a test in after I changed my RPi to the master and
> everything else (including my Synology) to slaves.  Before I did that
> though, I timed the shutdown of my Synology since it is the slowest slave
> to shutdown.  It took 40 seconds to shutdown, so I changed HOSTSYNC in
> upsmon.conf on the master (“Proton”) to 60.  I then did a test ("sudo
> upsmon -c fsd”). The slaves shutdown, then eventually the master, but the
> Synology never powered down and the UPS powered off which cut the power to
> it while it was still on.  Anyone know what the heck is going on?  I’m
> feeling a bit cursed, haha.

I wonder if as a result of the tinkering and testing something has gotten
mucked up in your Synology's config...perhaps in the config files you were
editing? I wonder this because with a stock Synology UPS configuration as a
NUT client to my RaspberryPi NUT server, my Synology does power off
properly. I do not know if there is a way to restore the Synology's UPS
config files to the default configuration, though that might be a
worthwhile endeavor for your NAS.


Larry Fahnoe, Fahnoe Technology Consulting, fahnoe at FahnoeTech.com
           Minneapolis, Minnesota       www.FahnoeTech.com
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