[Nut-upsuser] [EXTERNAL] thoughts on tripp lite Smart Online UPSs?

Lee Damon nomad at ee.washington.edu
Thu Mar 26 15:00:47 GMT 2020

On 3/25/20 3:50 PM, David Zomaya wrote:
> Thanks. I haven't used that unit specifically with Network UPS Tools, 
> but have used similar (from a protocol perspective) units.
> I'm working remotely for a while, but on the off chance I get into the 
> position to connect a unit via USB, what Operating System are you using?
> If the opportunity arises, I can try to set up a basic test.

CentOS 8 is the target OS. We hope to be able to do the full suite - 
monitoring, shutting down, etc.

I should have mentioned that we will also be using nagios for monitoring 
via the network port.


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