[Nut-upsuser] Multi UPS Monitoring

Rusty Bower rusty at rustybower.com
Sat Oct 10 01:07:44 BST 2020

Hey all,

I've read through as many relevant mailing list posts and public blog posts
as I could, but I can't seem to find an answer to my issue.

I currently have 2x Tripp Lite SMART1500LCDXLs, and I am attempting to
monitor both of them with the same Raspberry Pi using NUT. The problem I
have is there doesn't seem to be any way in the nut.conf to
differentiate between the two UPS via USB other than Vendor/Product/Serial.
Unfortunately, I cannot leverage Vendor/Product filtering, because they are
the exact same model, and the serial number is returning "unknown"

Does anyone know how to get these Tripp Lite models to return an actual
serial number? Or is there a way to differentiate between the two devices
on the same USB bus?

Raspbian GNU/Linux 10
Nut Version 2.7.4-8

   0.056938     Checking device (09AE/2012) (001/113)
   0.062961     - VendorID: 09ae
   0.063011     - ProductID: 2012
   0.063055     - Manufacturer: Tripp Lite
   0.063094     - Product: Tripp Lite UPS
   0.063136     - Serial Number: unknown
   0.063189     - Bus: 001
   0.063259     - Device release number: 0009

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