[Nut-upsuser] NUT Client Not Working, Server OK

William Cole bga.cole at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 15:28:36 GMT 2022

Thank you very much for the advice.

My upsd.conf [located on the server] is set to listen as follows:


After making these changes I shut both the server and client down [sudo
shutdown now].
On restart I began getting messages to the effect that the server was not
available.  The messages appeared on both the server and client terminal

I commented out the LISTEN line on the server's upsd.conf script
and then shutdown and restarted both server and client.
The "server not available" message did not appear, however in both
instances I am still getting the "connection refused" message on the client
[after running sudo service nut-client status].

I'm now casting about for my next move.  Clearly I've got something
configured wrong, but what I don't yet know.

On Sun, Jan 30, 2022 at 10:29 PM Charles Lepple <clepple at gmail.com> wrote:

> [please keep the list CC'd - probably easiest via Reply-All]
> On Jan 28, 2022, at 10:20 AM, William Cole wrote:
> > However, when executing sudo service nut-client on the Client PC, still
> getting a Connection refused message:
> >
> > upsmon[491] UPS [APCES750Client at]:connect failed:
> Connection failure: Connection refused
> > (repeated 9 times)
> "Connection refused" is a standard network error message that says that
> either a firewall is blocking the port, or no daemon is currently listening
> on that port. Since both ends of this connection are on the same host, a
> firewall is not particularly likely to be blocking this, but you could
> always change it to use (localhost) if there is a firewall that
> can't easily be changed.
> In the case of the client Pi, you mentioned that ups.conf was originally
> empty. You may need to restart upsd (sudo "service nut-server restart", I
> think) now that it has an entry for the locally connected UPS. upsd listens
> on the port that NUT clients like upsmon and upsc connect to.
> - Charles

Fredericksburg, VA
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