[Nut-upsuser] had to reinstall on new drive, lost all nut related.conf's

gene heskett gheskett at shentel.net
Tue Jun 20 04:28:31 BST 2023

On 6/19/23 22:00, Charles Lepple wrote:
>> On Jun 19, 2023, at 8:33 PM, gene heskett wrote:
>>>> However, any attempt to add it to the [myups] stanza in ups.conf is a showstopper error. No mention of this "flag" in the rest of the file's comments.
>>> So how does that syntax actually look like?
> In ups.conf, you should be able to do something like this:
> [myups]
>      driver = usbhid-ups
>      port = auto
>      pollonly
> If that isn't working, check for spurious UPS-specific lines in the "global" section (above the first UPS stanza like "[myups]"), or vice-versa (global options covered in ups.conf documentation that got added to the end of the ups.conf template).
> ("pollonly" doesn't appear in the standard ups.conf template because it is specific to usbhid-ups.)
> ref: https://networkupstools.org/docs/man/usbhid-ups.html#_extra_arguments

That man page above is newer than the installed version here as debian 
ships a 2.7.3 man page for ups.conf with 2.7.4.  Leaky sock?  Anyway, 
its working. Thank you, take care and stay well

> - Charles
> .

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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