[Nut-upsuser] Spammy notification-tech diagnostic message

Vojtěch Hurčík vojhu87 at proton.me
Sun Oct 29 16:04:06 GMT 2023

Thanks for the reply, it's only reported once per spawned process and what you say makes perfect sense in this light. A configuration toggle or environment variable also seems like a good idea, but I'm sure I or we can also live with the message being reported once per process as it currently is... looking forward to the stable release & thanks for everything!


------- Original Message -------
On Sunday, October 29th, 2023 at 16:22, Jim Klimov <jimklimov+nut at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for your concern.
> Technically, it is not about just systemd - other systems where launched processes that have ways to interact with some OS framework (like SMF, upstart, Windows services, docker/kubernetes, whatever) *and* such framework offers ways for services to inform they have started and e.g. dependencies can begin starting, with better precision than "we have forked off an init script and assume that this instant its service is fully ready".
> One bit that worries me in your report is "I am repeatedly getting these messages in my syslog" - does it mean you get them more often than once per uptime of each daemon (upsd, upsmon, driver)? Or that you reboot so often that the "noise" gets your eyes sore? :)
> I did initially have the opposite feedback in the beginning, about not having those notifications working and services set up for notification-based integration getting restarted by their OS framework because their startup allegedly timed out.
> I think this sort of behaviors with OS-dependent variations was supposed to become managed by envvars (e.g. offering a toggle to not make noise easy to set in packaged init-scripts etc.) but it seems that for this particular case one was not merged. Something similar was discussed about NUT daemon banner and a few other lines emitted at startup, which some people see as important post-mortem tool when inspecting logs or console dumps, and others treat as noise ("unless there's an error, I want to see nothing") - and frankly both stances have their merits for different audiences.
> Jim Klimov
> On Sun, Oct 29, 2023 at 2:45 PM Vojtěch Hurčík via Nut-upsuser <nut-upsuser at alioth-lists.debian.net> wrote:
>> Hello friends!
>> With the upcoming NUT release there is one thing I would like to ask:
>> -
>> no notification tech defined, will not spam more about
>> I am repeatedly getting these messages in my syslog more recently because I do not have systemd available to me on my distribution and also do not want to use it.
>> Maybe the debug level for such messages could be raised to 1 instead, as they still seem a bit too spammy for something us, who don't use the systemd, already know. At least then we would have a way to suppress them...
>> Vojtěch
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