[Nut-upsuser] Multiple battery levels to trigger actions?

Steffen Grunewald steffen.grunewald at aei.mpg.de
Wed Sep 13 08:30:26 BST 2023

Good morning NUTcrackers,

several years ago, I had a setup that used the SNMP driver to collect data
from a networked UPS and act as a source for multiple "secondary" drivers
that each had a different battery level to trigger various actions, e.g.
at 70% shut down some services, at 50% freeze the batch system and at 30%
switch off everything but the spinning disks (leave JBODs running, change
runlevel to 1).

My attempts to clone the old setting for a recent version of NUT (2.8.0,
backported from sid a few months ago) failed to start the set of drivers,
so something must have changed while I wasn't looking.

Is this approach still possible with NUT 2.8.x, and may I learn from
someone who is running such a setup?

Thanks in advance,

Steffen Grunewald, Cluster Administrator
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute)
Am Mühlenberg 1 * D-14476 Potsdam-Golm * Germany
Fon: +49-331-567 7274
Mail: steffen.grunewald(at)aei.mpg.de

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