I've noticed that offlineimap sometimes becomes unresponsive. Here is an example trace:<br><br><br>OfflineIMAP<br>Licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ (v2 or any later version)<br>Account sync gm:<br>*** Processing account gm <br>
Account sync wgm:<br>*** Processing account wgm <br>Account sync gm: <br>Establishing connection to <a href="http://imap.gmail.com:993">imap.gmail.com:993</a><br>Account sync wgm: <br>Establishing connection to <a href="http://imap.gmail.com:993">imap.gmail.com:993</a><br>
Enter password for account 'GmRemote':<br>Enter password for account 'WgmRemote':<br>Folder INBOX [acc: gm]:<br>Syncing INBOX: Gmail -> Maildir<br>Folder Sent Messages [acc: gm]:<br>Syncing Sent Messages: Gmail -> Maildir <br>
Folder INBOX [acc: gm]:<br>Deleting 3 messages (64271:64273) in Maildir[INBOX]<br>Folder [Gmail]/All Mail [acc: gm]:<br>Syncing [Gmail]/All Mail: Gmail -> Maildir<br>Folder [Gmail]/All Mail [acc: wgm]:<br>Syncing [Gmail]/All Mail: Gmail -> Maildir <br>
Folder [Gmail]/Sent Mail [acc: gm]: <br>Syncing [Gmail]/Sent Mail: Gmail -> Maildir<br>Copy message 14296 (1 of 13) GmRemote:[Gmail]/Sent Mail -> GmLocal<br><br><br>At this point, offlineimap became unresponsive for several minutes. Eventually I hit control-C and got a "Terminating NOW" message, but again nothing happened for a few minutes; the only way to force it to quit was with a SIGQUIT (Control-\). <br>
<br>Is this a known issue?<br>- Bhaskara<br>