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<div>Noticing some weird log messages coming out of `offlineimap` when I make my periodic sync, after I spent all night syncing all my messages down from Gmail. Here's an example of one of them:</div>
<div> Folder [Gmail]/All Mail [acc: Psychedelica]:</div>
<div> Copy message -46661 (597 of 47253) Filesystem:[Gmail].All Mail -> Google</div>
<div>It seems like the program is working "in reverse" and I'm not sure how that's going to affect my email. So far, I haven't seen any crazy issues in my inboxes (been watching on Mailbox.app and Gmail very closely), but it is a little unnerving. Anyone have some insight as to what is going on here?</div>
<div id="mb-reply">Only thing to note here is that the first time I ran the program, I ran it like `offlineimap`. The second time, and all subsequent times, I've run it like `offlineimap -q`. I figured the "quick" run would be done in less than 5 minutes and I was safe running it with `launchd` on that interval...</div>
<div>Running offlineimap 6.5.7 on Mac OS X 10.10.4 (Yosemite), with the following configuration: https://github.com/tubbo/home/blob/mutt/.offlineimaprc</div>
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<br>- T</div>