The point is that the minimal config makes no mention that it is <br>
insecure by default, and that by simply replacing the values in the <br>
Remote configuration block, anyone using it will be transferring all of <br>
their emails in the clear.<br>
At the very least, I would expect comments to this effect. And I would <br>
expect the necessary parameters, commented out if necessary, to be <br>
present in the file to be easily activated. tl;dr, the three directives <br>
that I put in the minimal config would suffice.<br>
What I don't expect is to copy the minimal config to .offlineimaprc, <br>
modify it for my server, and get no warning as OfflineIMAP connects <br>
unencrypted to 143 and starts dumping my email.<br>
On 2015-10-28 05:26, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:<br>
> I don't get the point. Minimal stands for what it is: a _minimal_<br>
> configuration file. This helps to figure out what's mandatory to get<br>
> started but won't help much at setting things plain right.<br>
> <br>
> I guess that in the next two weeks, someone else will complain that<br>
> he's got bitten by the default ssl protocols (or whatever) not<br>
> matching its use case. And in the next month, someone else will<br>
> complain about yet another expectation he had as a default value and<br>
> missing from the minimal conf. In the end we would have the full<br>
> documentation in the minimal configuration file.<br>
> <br>
> I'm not pretending that the default ssl value can't be change. I'm<br>
> pointing out that the minimal config should stay minimal, IMHO.<br>
> <br>
> This might worth encouraging the user to make some checks about<br>
> security options, though. But this would be a very small comment. No<br>
> more.<br>
> <br>
> Also, you should read [1]. ,-)<br>
> <br>
> --<br>
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> [1]<br>
> [2] <br>
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