[Piuparts-devel] retesting failed packages more often

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Wed Nov 16 13:29:29 UTC 2011

Hi Holger,

I'd suggest to retest the failed packages more often. Sometimes there
may be external influences that cause a failure and could be fixed after
a few days, e.g. with a new tarball.

So I propose to recycle every day the 25 (or 50) oldest failed logs that
are older than 30 days (or just 7, so they are rerun with the next
generation tarball). (I can a create a patch fot the recycling script).

I set up a local instance of piatti (starting by touching all the pass
logs from piatti so that I don't rerun them) and get better numbers for
sid than currently on http://piuparts.debian.org/sid/

12:10 successfully-tested: 32140
12:10 failed-testing: 542
12:10 cannot-be-tested: 0
12:10 essential-required: 63
12:10 waiting-to-be-tested: 0
12:10 waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested: 0
12:10 dependency-failed-testing: 1502

I didn't investigate the no longer failing packages any further, so I
can't say if it was just the rerun or some "feature" in my patched piuparts.


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