[Pkg-acpi-devel] Bug#545317: Never mind

Bert Riding reriding at xmission.com
Sun Sep 6 15:35:32 UTC 2009

After further investigation I found a set of options in a new section
of the xfce4 configuration menus dealing with power managerment which
have solved my problem.  

The settings of acpi-support are being overridden by the xfce4
settings.  Choosing the behavior I want from the xfce4 configuration
system restores it.  

Sorry to have bothered you.

Bert Riding       
reriding at xmission.com   
gnupg fingerprint:
C0F6 E202 EFB3 F332 CAB0  85D4 A113 9F46 3C93 5A6E

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