[Pkg-acpi-devel] Hello.

Eliana Seyang eliana at digitars.net
Thu Jan 30 04:46:54 UTC 2014

Hello dear,

My name is Eliana J.Seyang, I am 25 years old girl in search of a man  
who understands love as trust and faith rather seeing it as a way of  
fun always but a matured man with sense of humor. I am interested in  
having a relationship with you and I will also like to Know more about  
you. You are free to write me back so that I can tell you more about  
my self along with my pictures.

Also bear in mind that Love has no colors barrier, no educational back  
ground barrier, no socio-economic Barrier, religious, language,  
nationality or distance barrier, the only important thing is the love  
and understanding. I am waiting for your mail and explanations about  

I believe we can start from here. I am waiting to hear from you soon  
and I will send you my photos and tell you more about myself.


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