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<div><font color="white"> uncalculating liberality of an utterly unselfish and intensely impulsive nature! she hastened to make amends by saying what was like gall on her tongue in the utterance:!Tiens。</font>
<div><font color="white"> said the grande dame! more coldly than she had before spoken? Your carvings are singularly perfect? and should bring you considerable returns!Why have you never shown them to me at least.</font>
<div><font color="white"> I found the poor men on board almost in a tumult to get thevictuals out of the boiler before it was ready; but my mateobserved his orders! and kept a good guard at the cook-room door,</font>
<div><font size="4"><font color="white"> really thinking he had been in aswoon; but he spoke calmly? thanked me.</font> </font>
<div><font size="4"><font color="white"> you seemed last night to groan under the weight of your hatred of the Florentines, Now I have good reason to hate them, since by their means my party was exiled!</font> </font>
<div><font color="white" size="4"> He strained。 he panted。 he heard the thundering thud of the first flight gaining nearer and nearer upon him; he felt his rivals closing hotter and harder in on him; he felt the steam of his opponent’s smoking.</font></div></div></div></div></div></div>
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