[Pkg-crosswire-devel] Thanks for packaging diatheke!

Dmitrijs Ledkovs dmitrij.ledkov at ubuntu.com
Tue Aug 16 23:03:19 BST 2011

On 16 August 2011 17:10, green <greenfreedom10 at gmail.com> wrote:
> For Debian Appreciation Day, I made a list of the Debian packages I really
> like, removed some mainstream packages that everyone likes (eg. ssh) and then
> reduced that list to the very *best* ones, those that I consider excellent
> software (although some are simple) and that without doubt have increased my
> productivity. diatheke is one of only 22 packages that made it to that list.
> So thanks lots, and feel free to forward to upstream or related projects if
> someone needs kudos!

Thank you very much! It really does mean a lot =)

I'm actually surprised about diatheke ;-) because to be honest we did
treat it as an underdog, but kept it in the archive. Now you made
diatheke stand out from all of our packages ;-)

On behalf of pkg-crosswire-devel team

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