[Pkg-electronics-devel] Bug#919255: Bug#918533: gnucap-python: diff for NMU version 0.0.2-1.1

Felix Salfelder felix at salfelder.org
Sun Jan 20 16:03:27 GMT 2019

On Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 04:34:28PM +0100, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> If it's only about sponsoring I'm happy to help, but I don't really want
> to play with symbols at this timeā€¦

my preferred solution will be to accept the dpkg-shlibdeps warnings, as
described in the manual. it will be more tricky to silence them.

> With this and onther package being the only last blockers for the
> removal of python3.6 I'm somewhat pressured to continue, unless you can
> give me a shorter ETA.  Also, I'm happy to rework my work.

I essetially agree with your changes. the ETA is subject to
review & sponsoring.

> On that note, looking at the git repository I see that:
>   * you didn't do anything to d/rules, that still mention 3.6 and 3.7

I used a symlink to make tests work across python versions. currently
the tests are not active, due to numerical noise. I had planned to clean
up d/rules after reworking the tests upstream, when re-enabling the

>   * you are build-depending on python3-dev, instead of python3-all-dev,
>     is that wanted?  As I went for the letter in my NMU.

looks reasonable. i simply did not know about it.

> Also, while working on gnucap-python, I had the feeling that those
> out2.7 and out3.6 directories were pre-built stuff that shouldn't be in

out* contains the expected output for testing, which varies across
python versions. it actually shouldn't, and it does not between 3.7 and
3.6. perhaps out2 and out3 will be sufficient. work in progress,
possibly ready in 0.0.3.


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