[Pkg-electronics-devel] Heads up, what's the status an the Arduino package(s) in Debian?

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Sat Jan 9 15:59:48 GMT 2021

Hi again,

Am 23.12.20 um 11:02 schrieb Carsten Schoenert:
> Hi there,
> after several hours and days working on updating Arduino I want to give
> some feedback and some kind of status on the things I have and I'm
> currently working on.
> But it's not only me who is doing some work on improving the package
> situation of the Arduino IDE. So another part of work is done by Rock Storm.
due the contribution of Rock for arduino-builder and also for
arduino-ctags we both are happy we could fulfilled our intend to get the
Ardunio IDE updated to the current upstream version. All involved
packages are targeted to the experimental archive of Debian currently.

The current dependency chain looks like this:

arduino ---> arduino-builder -> arduino-ctags
        |--> arduino-core-avr

arduino-ctags and also arduino-core-avr are new depending requirements
for the package arduino and arduino-builder now.

Both packages are sitting currently in the NEW queue and waiting for a
review oft the FTP Team. The packaging git trees are living in the
subgroup arduino of the Debian Electronics Team.


The remaining other two packages, arduino and arduino-builder doesn't
needed to go through NEW again and are uploaded to the experimental
archive suite with new versions.

So if you want to give it try and test all packages to see if it works
all as you expected then you can do this that way.

I prepared binary versions of the new packages arduino-ctags and
arduino-core-acr and uploaded them to p.d.o. Please download the files
and install them locally. Or rebuild them from the git tree if you like.


Next you should be able to get the package arduino installed from
experimental, the depending package arduino-builder should get installed
automatically as a dependency. And that's mainly all.

You can start the IDE from the CLI there you will some more logging
output or you start Arduino IDE from you preferred software starter.

If the FTP Masters are friendly  and we get the two packages from NEW in
time into experimental we have a big chance we can provide that working
collection into the Bulleseye release!

I want to thank all people who have worked in the past on packaging the
Arduino IDE an in detail Rock for his good work on the the two packages
he has prepared.


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