[Pkg-erlang-commits] r1413 - in yaws/trunk/debian: . conf patches

sgolovan at alioth.debian.org sgolovan at alioth.debian.org
Wed Jan 18 05:51:58 UTC 2012

Author: sgolovan
Date: 2012-01-18 05:51:57 +0000 (Wed, 18 Jan 2012)
New Revision: 1413

  * Added a patch which fixes CVE-2011-5025 in the yaws-wiki package
    (closes: #653966).
  * Copied acceptor_pool_size option to yaws.conf from the upstream config.

Modified: yaws/trunk/debian/changelog
--- yaws/trunk/debian/changelog	2012-01-13 20:34:24 UTC (rev 1412)
+++ yaws/trunk/debian/changelog	2012-01-18 05:51:57 UTC (rev 1413)
@@ -6,8 +6,11 @@
   * Added a few more fixes for compatibility with Erlang R15B.
   * Removed patch which uses external mime.types.
+  * Added a patch which fixes CVE-2011-5025 in the yaws-wiki package
+    (closes: #653966).
+  * Copied acceptor_pool_size option to yaws.conf from the upstream config.
- -- Sergei Golovan <sgolovan at debian.org>  Fri, 13 Jan 2012 10:10:42 +0400
+ -- Sergei Golovan <sgolovan at debian.org>  Wed, 18 Jan 2012 09:46:18 +0400
 yaws (1.91-3) experimental; urgency=low

Modified: yaws/trunk/debian/conf/yaws.conf
--- yaws/trunk/debian/conf/yaws.conf	2012-01-13 20:34:24 UTC (rev 1412)
+++ yaws/trunk/debian/conf/yaws.conf	2012-01-18 05:51:57 UTC (rev 1413)
@@ -41,15 +41,22 @@
 # Override the garbage collection option parameters for processes
-# which handle new connections. Useful for systems which expect long lived
-# connections which handle a lot of data. The default value is erlangs
+# that handle new connections. Useful for systems expecting long-lived
+# connections that handle a lot of data. The default value is Erlang's
 # default. Valid options are {fullsweep_after, X} and/or {min_heap_size, Y} where
-# X and Y are integers. See erlangs erlang:spawn_opt/4 function for more details.
-# The value type is a quoted string containing an erlang proplist
+# X and Y are integers. See Erlang's erlang:spawn_opt/4 function for more
+# details. The value type is a quoted string containing an Erlang proplist or
+# the atom undefined.
 process_options = "[]"
+# Set the size of the cached acceptor process pool. The value must be an
+# integer greater than or equal to 0. The default pool size is 8. Setting
+# the pool size to 0 effectively disables the pool.
+acceptor_pool_size = 8
 # This is a debug variable, possible values are http | traffic | false
 # It is also possible to set the trace (possibly to the tty) while
 # invoking yaws from the shell as in
@@ -59,13 +66,15 @@
 # Enable this if we want to use the old OTP ssl implementation
-# OTP R13B03 is known to work with this flag set         to false (default)
+# OTP R13B03 is known to work with this flag set to false (default)
 use_old_ssl = false
-# it is possible to have yaws start additional 
-# application specific code at startup
+# It is possible to have yaws start additional application-specific code at
+# startup. Set runmod to the name of the module you want yaws to start. It
+# assumes the module has an exported function start/0. To have multiple
+# runmods just add more "runmod = xyz" lines.
 # runmod = mymodule
@@ -89,16 +98,17 @@
 log_resolve_hostname = false
-# fail completely or not if yaws fails 
-# to bind a listen socket
+# Fail completely or not if yaws fails to bind a listen socket
 fail_on_bind_err = true
 # If HTTP auth is used, it is possible to have a specific
-# auth log.
+# auth log. As of release 1.90 the global auth_log is
+# deprecated and ignored. Now, this variable must be set in
+# server part
-auth_log = true
+#auth_log = true
 # When we're running multiple yaws systems on the same 
@@ -113,7 +123,7 @@
 #id = debian_yaws
-# earlier versions of Yaws picked the first virtual host
+# Earlier versions of Yaws picked the first virtual host
 # in a list of hosts with the same IP/PORT when the Host:
 # header doesn't match any name on any Host
 # This is often nice in testing environments but not

Added: yaws/trunk/debian/patches/cve-2011-5025.diff
--- yaws/trunk/debian/patches/cve-2011-5025.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ yaws/trunk/debian/patches/cve-2011-5025.diff	2012-01-18 05:51:57 UTC (rev 1413)
@@ -0,0 +1,913 @@
+Description: Patch fixes CVE-2011-5025 (Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS)
+ vulnerabilities in the wiki application in Yaws 1.88 allow remote attackers
+ to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via (1) the tag parameter to
+ editTag.yaws, (2) the index parameter to showOldPage.yaws, (3) the node
+ parameter to allRefsToMe.yaws, or (4) the text parameter to editPage.yaws.)
+Author: Sergei Golovan
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=653966
+Forwarded: yes
+Last-updated: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 09:29:47 +0400
+--- yaws-1.92.orig/applications/wiki/src/wiki_format_txt.erl
++++ yaws-1.92/applications/wiki/src/wiki_format_txt.erl
+@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
+ format_txt([$=,$=|T], Env, L, Doc) ->
+     {Env1, L1} = char_style(h3, Env, L),
+     format_txt(T, Env1, L1, Doc);
+-format_txt([${,${|T], Env, L, Doc) ->
+-    emb(T,Env,L, Doc);
++%format_txt([${,${|T], Env, L, Doc) ->
++%    emb(T,Env,L, Doc);
+ format_txt("'''" ++ T, Env, L, Doc) ->
+     {Env1, L1} = char_style(tt, Env, L),
+     format_txt(T, Env1, L1, Doc);
+@@ -126,13 +126,13 @@
+ format_txt("slideshow:" ++ T, Env, L, Doc) ->
+     {X, T1} = collect_wiki_link(T),
+     Txt = "<a href='slideShow.yaws?node="++wiki:str2urlencoded(Env#env.node)++
+-        "&next=1'>"++X++ "</a>",
++        "&next=1'>"++yaws_api:htmlize(X)++ "</a>",
+     format_txt(T1, Env, reverse(Txt, L), Doc);
+ format_txt("mailto:" ++ T, Env, L, Doc) ->
+     {X, T1} = collect_mail(T, []),
+-    Txt = "<a href='mailto:" ++ X ++ "'>" ++
++    Txt = "<a href='mailto:" ++ wiki:str2urlencoded(X) ++ "'>" ++
+         "<img border=0 src='WikiPreferences.files/mailto.png'>"
+-        ++ X ++ "</a>",
++        ++ yaws_api:htmlize(X) ++ "</a>",
+     format_txt(T1, Env, reverse(Txt, L), Doc);
+ format_txt("mailtoall:" ++ T, Env, L, Doc) ->
+     {Name, T1} = collect_wiki_link(T),
+@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
+             format_txt(T, Env, L, Doc);
+         [F|Rs] ->
+             Recipients = [F | [[$,|R] || R <- Rs]],
+-            Txt = "<a href='mailto:" ++ Recipients ++ "'>" ++ Name ++ "</a>",
++            Txt = "<a href='mailto:" ++ wiki:str2urlencoded(Recipients) ++ "'>" ++ yaws_api:htmlize(Name) ++ "</a>",
+             format_txt(T1, Env, reverse(Txt, L), Doc)
+     end;
+ format_txt("<?plugin " ++ T, Env, L, Doc) ->
+@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
+     {Txt, T1} = plugin(T, Page),
+     format_txt(T1, Env, reverse(Txt, L), Doc);
+ format_txt([H|T], Env, L, Doc) ->
+-    format_txt(T, Env, [H|L], Doc);
++    format_txt(T, Env, reverse(yaws_api:htmlize([H]))++L, Doc);
+ format_txt([], Env, L, Doc) ->
+     {_, L1} = clear_line(Env, L),
+     {Env, reverse(L1)}.
+@@ -199,18 +199,18 @@
+     F1 = Scheme ++ F,
+     case is_graphic(F) of
+         true ->
+-            "<img src=\"" ++  F1 ++ "\">";
++            "<img src=\"" ++  wiki:str2urlencoded(F1) ++ "\">";
+         false ->
+-            "<a href=\"" ++  F1 ++ "\">" ++
++            "<a href=\"" ++ wiki:str2urlencoded(F1) ++ "\">" ++
+             "<img border=0 src='WikiPreferences.files/http.png'>"
+-            ++ F1 ++ "</a> "
++            ++ yaws_api:htmlize(F1) ++ "</a> "
+     end.
+ is_graphic(F) ->
+     member(filename:extension(F), [".gif", ".GIF", ".jpg", ".JPG"]).
+ after_nl([${,$\n|T], Env, L, Doc)  -> pre(T, Env, L, Doc);
+-after_nl([${,${|T], Env, L, Doc)   -> emb(T, Env, L, Doc);
++%after_nl([${,${|T], Env, L, Doc)   -> emb(T, Env, L, Doc);
+ after_nl([${|T], Env, L, Doc)      -> pre(T, Env, L, Doc);
+ after_nl("[expires:"++T, Env, L, Doc) -> eregion(T, Env, L, Doc);
+ after_nl([$[|T], Env, L, Doc)      -> note(T, Env, L, Doc);
+--- yaws-1.92.orig/applications/wiki/src/wiki_to_html.erl
++++ yaws-1.92/applications/wiki/src/wiki_to_html.erl
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ format_wiki_files(Page, FileDir, Files, Root, Heading) ->
+     LinkFun = fun(I) -> format_link(I, FileDir, Page, Root, show) end,
+-    ("<hr><b><p>" ++ Heading ++ "</b><br>\n"
++    ("<hr><b><p>" ++ yaws_api:htmlize(Heading) ++ "</b><br>\n"
+      "<table cellspacing=10 width = \"100%\">\n"
+      ++ lists:map(LinkFun, lists:keysort(2,Files)) ++
+      "</table></p>\n").
+@@ -59,18 +59,18 @@
+     ["<tr><td valign=top align=left><a href=\"",
+      wiki:str2urlencoded(FileDir),
+      "/", wiki:str2urlencoded(FileName),"\" title='",Size,"'>",
+-     FileName,
++     yaws_api:htmlize(FileName),
+      "</a></td><td align=left valign=top>",
+-     Description, "</td></tr>\n"].
++     yaws_api:htmlize(Description), "</td></tr>\n"].
+ wiki_link(LinkName, Page, Root) ->
+     FullName = Root ++ "/" ++ Page ++ ".wob",
+     case is_file(FullName) of
+         true ->
+             ["<a href=\"showPage.yaws?node=",
+-             wiki:str2urlencoded(Page),"\">",LinkName,"</a> "];
++             wiki:str2urlencoded(Page),"\">",yaws_api:htmlize(LinkName),"</a> "];
+         false ->
+-            [" ",Page,"<a href=\"createNewPage.yaws?node=",
++            [" ",yaws_api:htmlize(Page),"<a href=\"createNewPage.yaws?node=",
+              wiki:str2urlencoded(Page),"\">???</a>"]
+     end.
+--- yaws-1.92.orig/applications/wiki/src/wiki.erl
++++ yaws-1.92/applications/wiki/src/wiki.erl
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+ % This should be -include:ed instead
+ showPage(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page = getnode(Params),
+     if
+         Page == undefined ->
+             error(invalid_request);
+@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
+            shell_quote(DstPath)++"'").
+ getThumb(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page = getnode(Params),
+     Pict = getopt("pict", Params),
+     if
+         Page == undefined ->
+@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
+     end.
+ getMidSize(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page = getnode(Params),
+     Pict = getopt("pict", Params),
+     if
+         Page == undefined ->
+@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
+ fixupFiles(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page = getnode(Params),
+     if
+         Page == undefined ->
+             error(invalid_request);
+@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
+     end.
+ createNewPage(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page = getnode(Params),
+     Sid  = getopt("sid", Params),
+@@ -295,11 +295,10 @@
+     end.
+ createNewPage1(Page, Root, Sid, Prefix, Content, Passwd, Email) ->
+-    Txt = quote_lt(Content),
+     wiki_templates:template2(
+       Root,
+       "New Page",
+-      Page,
++      yaws_api:htmlize(Page),
+       [p("Creating a new page. "
+          "If you want a password protected page "
+          "then fill in both the password fields - otherwise "
+@@ -325,7 +324,7 @@
+              "</td></tr>\n",
+              "</table>\n",
+              p(),
+-             textarea("text", 25, 72,Txt),
++             textarea("text", 25, 72, Content),
+              hr()
+             ])],
+       false).
+@@ -333,7 +332,7 @@
+ storePage(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+     Password = getopt("password", Params, ""),
+-    Page     = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page     = getnode(Params),
+     Cancel   = getopt("cancel", Params),
+     Edit     = getopt("edit", Params),
+     Sid      = getopt("sid", Params),
+@@ -363,7 +362,7 @@
+ storePage1(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page     = getopt("node",Params),
++    Page     = getnode(Params),
+     Txt0     = getopt("txt", Params),
+     Sid      = getopt("sid", Params),
+@@ -382,7 +381,7 @@
+ storeNewPage(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page     = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page     = getnode(Params),
+     Password = getopt("password", Params),
+     Email0   = getopt("email", Params),
+     Txt0     = getopt("txt", Params),
+@@ -403,38 +402,42 @@
+ storeTagged(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page = getnode(Params),
+     Tag  = getopt("tag", Params),
+     Txt0 = getopt("txt", Params),
+-    Txt = zap_cr(urlencoded2str(Txt0)),
+-    {File,FileDir} = page2filename(Page, Root),
+-    case file:read_file(File) of
+-        {ok, Bin} ->
+-            Wik = {wik002,_Pwd,_Email,_Time,_Who,OldTxt,_Files,_Patches} =
+-                bin_to_wik002(Bin),
+-            W    = wiki_split:str2wiki(OldTxt),
+-            ITag = list_to_integer(Tag),
+-            {Type, Old} = wiki_split:getRegion(ITag, W),
+-            W2 = case Type of
+-                     open ->
+-                         wiki_split:putRegion(ITag, W, Txt);
+-                     write_append ->
+-                         Time = format_time({date(), time()}),
+-                         wiki_split:putRegion(ITag, W,
+-                                              "''" ++ Time ++ "''\n\n" ++
+-                                              Txt ++ "\n\n____\n" ++ Old)
+-                   end,
+-            Str2 = wiki_split:wiki2str(W2),
+-            store_ok(Page, Root, Prefix, Str2, Wik);
+-        _ ->
+-            show({no_such_page,Page}, Root)
++    case catch list_to_integer(Tag) of
++        {'EXIT', Reason} ->
++	    show({no_such_tag, Tag}, Root);
++        ITag when integer(ITag) ->
++	    Txt = zap_cr(urlencoded2str(Txt0)),
++	    {File,FileDir} = page2filename(Page, Root),
++	    case file:read_file(File) of
++		{ok, Bin} ->
++		    Wik = {wik002,_Pwd,_Email,_Time,_Who,OldTxt,_Files,_Patches} =
++			bin_to_wik002(Bin),
++		    W    = wiki_split:str2wiki(OldTxt),
++		    {Type, Old} = wiki_split:getRegion(ITag, W),
++		    W2 = case Type of
++			     open ->
++				 wiki_split:putRegion(ITag, W, Txt);
++			     write_append ->
++				 Time = format_time({date(), time()}),
++				 wiki_split:putRegion(ITag, W,
++						      "''" ++ Time ++ "''\n\n" ++
++						      Txt ++ "\n\n____\n" ++ Old)
++			 end,
++		    Str2 = wiki_split:wiki2str(W2),
++		    store_ok(Page, Root, Prefix, Str2, Wik);
++		_ ->
++		    show({no_such_page,Page}, Root)
++	    end
+    end.
+ storeFiles(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page     = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page     = getnode(Params),
+     Password = getopt("password", Params),
+     Add      = getopt("add", Params),
+     Update   = getopt("update", Params),
+@@ -465,7 +468,7 @@
+     end.
+ addFileInit(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page        = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page        = getnode(Params),
+     Password    = getopt("password", Params),
+     template2(Root, "Add File", Page,
+              [form("POST", "addFile.yaws",
+@@ -675,7 +678,7 @@
+     end.
+ updateFilesInit(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page = getnode(Params),
+     Descriptions = [{lists:nthtail(4,N),S} ||
+                        {N,S,_} <- Params,
+@@ -716,7 +719,7 @@
+ deleteFilesInit(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page        = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page        = getnode(Params),
+     Password    = getopt("password", Params),
+     CheckedFiles = [lists:nthtail(3,N) ||
+@@ -761,7 +764,7 @@
+ deleteFiles(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+     Password = getopt("password", Params, ""),
+-    Page     = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page     = getnode(Params),
+     Cancel   = getopt("cancel", Params),
+     if
+@@ -779,7 +782,7 @@
+     end.
+ deleteFiles1(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page        = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page        = getnode(Params),
+     CheckedFiles = [lists:nthtail(4,N) ||
+                        {N,_,_} <- Params,
+@@ -823,7 +826,7 @@
+ copyFilesInit(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page        = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page        = getnode(Params),
+     Password    = getopt("password", Params),
+     CheckedFiles = [lists:nthtail(3,N) ||
+@@ -878,7 +881,7 @@
+ copyFiles(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+     Password = getopt("password", Params, ""),
+-    Page     = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page     = getnode(Params),
+     Cancel   = getopt("cancel", Params),
+     if
+@@ -896,7 +899,7 @@
+     end.
+ copyFiles1(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page     = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page     = getnode(Params),
+     Dest     = getopt("destination", Params),
+     case checkPassword(Dest, "", Root, Prefix) of
+@@ -909,7 +912,7 @@
+     end.
+ copyFiles2(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page     = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page     = getnode(Params),
+     Dest     = getopt("destination", Params),
+     Password = getopt("password", Params, ""),
+@@ -923,7 +926,7 @@
+     end.
+ copyFiles3(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page     = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page     = getnode(Params),
+     Dest     = getopt("destination", Params),
+     {SrcWobFile, SrcFileDir} = page2filename(Page, Root),
+@@ -955,7 +958,7 @@
+     redirect({node, Page}, Prefix).
+ showHistory(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page = getnode(Params),
+     {File,FileDir} = page2filename(Page, Root),
+     case file:read_file(File) of
+         {ok, Bin} ->
+@@ -1058,38 +1061,42 @@
+     end.
+ showOldPage(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page = getnode(Params),
+     Nt = getopt("index", Params),
+-    Index = list_to_integer(Nt),
+-    {File,FileDir} = page2filename(Page, Root),
+-    case file:read_file(File) of
+-        {ok, Bin} ->
+-            Wik = {wik002,Pwd,_Email,_Time,_Who,Txt,Files,Patches} =
+-                bin_to_wik002(Bin),
+-            %% N = #patches to do
+-            N = length(Patches) - Index + 1,
+-            ThePatches = take(N, Patches),
+-            TxtStr = wiki_diff:patchL(Txt, ThePatches),
+-            W = wiki_split:str2wiki(TxtStr),
+-            DeepStr = wiki_to_html:format_wiki(Page, W, Root),
+-            DeepFiles = wiki_to_html:format_wiki_files(
+-                          Page, FileDir,Files, Root),
+-            Form = form("POST", "noop.yaws",
+-                        [textarea("text", 25, 75, TxtStr)]),
+-            wiki_templates:template2(Root, Page, Page,
+-                                    [DeepStr,DeepFiles,"<hr>",
+-                                     Form],
+-                                   false);
+-        _ ->
+-            show({no_such_page, Page}, Root)
++    case catch list_to_integer(Nt) of
++        {'EXIT', Reason} ->
++            show({no_such_index, Nt}, Root);
++        Index when integer(Index) ->
++	    {File,FileDir} = page2filename(Page, Root),
++	    case file:read_file(File) of
++		{ok, Bin} ->
++		    Wik = {wik002,Pwd,_Email,_Time,_Who,Txt,Files,Patches} =
++			  bin_to_wik002(Bin),
++		    %% N = #patches to do
++		    N = length(Patches) - Index + 1,
++		    ThePatches = take(N, Patches),
++		    TxtStr = wiki_diff:patchL(Txt, ThePatches),
++		    W = wiki_split:str2wiki(TxtStr),
++		    DeepStr = wiki_to_html:format_wiki(Page, W, Root),
++		    DeepFiles = wiki_to_html:format_wiki_files(
++				  Page, FileDir,Files, Root),
++		    Form = form("POST", "noop.yaws",
++				[textarea("text", 25, 75, TxtStr)]),
++		    wiki_templates:template2(Root, Page, Page,
++					     [DeepStr,DeepFiles,"<hr>",
++					     Form],
++					     false);
++		_ ->
++		    show({no_such_page, Page}, Root)
++	    end
+     end.
+ take(0, _) -> [];
+ take(N, [{P,_,_}|T]) -> [P|take(N-1, T)].
+ deletePage(Params,  Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page     = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page     = getnode(Params),
+     Password = getopt("password", Params, ""),
+     case checkPassword(Page, Password, Root, Prefix) of
+@@ -1102,7 +1109,7 @@
+     end.
+ deletePage1(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page = getnode(Params),
+     Password = getopt("password", Params),
+     {File,FileDir} = page2filename(Page, Root),
+@@ -1111,7 +1118,6 @@
+             {wik002, _Pwd,_Email,_Time,_Who,Content,_Files,_Patches} =
+                 bin_to_wik002(Bin),
+-            Txt = quote_lt(Content),
+             template2(Root, "Delete", Page,
+                      [p("Reconfirm deleting this page - hit the 'Delete' "
+                         "button to permanently remove the page."),
+@@ -1121,7 +1127,7 @@
+                             input("hidden", "node", Page),
+                             input("hidden", "password", Password),
+                             p(),
+-                            textarea("text", 25, 75, Txt),
++                            textarea("text", 25, 75, Content),
+                             p(),
+                             hr()])],
+                      false);
+@@ -1130,7 +1136,7 @@
+     end.
+ finalDeletePage(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page = getnode(Params),
+     Password = getopt("password", Params, ""),
+     Cancel   = getopt("cancel", Params),
+@@ -1149,7 +1155,7 @@
+     end.
+ finalDeletePage1(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page = getnode(Params),
+     Txt0 = getopt("text", Params),
+     {File,FileDir} = page2filename(Page, Root),
+@@ -1191,7 +1197,7 @@
+ putPassword(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+     Target = getopt("target", Params, "error"),
+     Cancel = getopt("cancel", Params),
+-    Page   = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page   = getnode(Params),
+     if
+         Cancel /= undefined ->
+@@ -1207,7 +1213,7 @@
+ editPage(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+     Password = getopt("password", Params, ""),
+-    Page     = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page     = getnode(Params),
+     Sid      = getopt("sid", Params),
+     case checkPassword(Page, Password, Root, Prefix) of
+@@ -1397,13 +1403,12 @@
+     end.
+ edit1(Page, Root, Password, Content, Sid) ->
+-    Txt = quote_lt(Content),
+     template2(Root, "Edit", Page,
+          [p("Edit this page - when you have finished hit the 'Preview' "
+             "button to check your results."),
+           form("POST", "previewPage.yaws?sid="++str2urlencoded(Sid),
+                "f1",
+-               [textarea("text", 25, 75, Txt),
++               [textarea("text", 25, 75, Content),
+                 p(),
+                 input("submit", "preview", "Preview"),
+                 input("submit", "delete", "Delete"),
+@@ -1415,7 +1420,7 @@
+           ], false).
+ sendMeThePassword(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page = getnode(Params),
+     Email = getopt("email", Params),
+     {File,FileDir} = page2filename(Page, Root),
+@@ -1462,7 +1467,7 @@
+     end.
+ editFiles(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page     = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page     = getnode(Params),
+     Password = getopt("password", Params, ""),
+     case checkPassword(Page, Password, Root, Prefix) of
+@@ -1484,7 +1489,7 @@
+                 lists:map(fun({file,Name,Description,_Content}) ->
+                                   ["<tr><td align=left valign=top>",
+                                    input("checkbox","cb_"++Name,"on", ""),
+-                                   Name,
++                                   yaws_api:htmlize(Name),
+                                    "</td><td width='70%' align=left "
+                                    "valign=top>",
+                                    textarea("cbt_"++Name, 2, 20, Description),
+@@ -1492,7 +1497,7 @@
+                              ({file,Name,_Content})  ->
+                                   ["<tr><td align=left valign=top>",
+                                    input("checkbox","cb_"++Name,"on", ""),
+-                                   Name,
++                                   yaws_api:htmlize(Name),
+                                    "</td><td width='70%' align=left "
+                                    "valign=top>",
+                                    textarea("cbt_"++Name, 2, 20, ""),
+@@ -1523,7 +1528,7 @@
+ slideShow(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page     = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page     = getnode(Params),
+     NextArg = getopt("next", Params, undefined),
+     PrevArg = getopt("prev", Params, undefined),
+     AutoArg = getopt("auto", Params, undefined),
+@@ -1589,7 +1594,7 @@
+                          "</a> "
+                          "</td></tr></table>"
+                          "<p><b>",integer_to_list(NewIndex)," - ",
+-                         Comment,"</b></p><p>",
++                         yaws_api:htmlize(Comment),"</b></p><p>",
+                          "<a href=\"",
+                          wiki:str2urlencoded(FileDir), "/",
+                          wiki:str2urlencoded(FileName),"\" target=\"pict\">",
+@@ -1609,7 +1614,7 @@
+                     TopHeader =
+                         ["<a href='showPage.yaws?node=",
+                          str2urlencoded(Page),
+-                         "'>",F1,"</a>\n"],
++                         "'>",yaws_api:htmlize(F1),"</a>\n"],
+                     Locked = Pwd /= "",
+                     Link =
+                         wiki_templates:template(Page, Root,
+@@ -1622,7 +1627,7 @@
+     end.
+ thumbIndex(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page     = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page     = getnode(Params),
+     {File,FileDir} = page2filename(Page, Root),
+     case file:read_file(File) of
+         {ok, Bin} ->
+@@ -1640,7 +1645,7 @@
+             F1 = add_blanks_nicely(Page),
+             TopHeader =
+                 ["<a href='showPage.yaws?node=",Node,"'>",
+-                 F1,"</a>\n"],
++                 yaws_api:htmlize(F1),"</a>\n"],
+             Locked = Pwd /= "",
+             Link =
+                 wiki_templates:template(Page, Root, DeepStr,
+@@ -1672,19 +1677,19 @@
+                                     "<img src='",Img,
+                                     "'></a></td>\n"])|Acc]).
+-build_slide_list(Page, Index, Nr) when Nr =< 10 ->
++build_slide_list(Node, Index, Nr) when Nr =< 10 ->
+     Interval = 1,
+     lists:flatmap(
+       fun(X) ->
+               I = integer_to_list(X),
+-              [" <a href=\"slideShow.yaws?node=",Page,"&next=",I,"\">",
++              [" <a href=\"slideShow.yaws?node=",Node,"&next=",I,"\">",
+                I,"</a> "]
+       end, lists:seq(1,Nr,Interval));
+-build_slide_list(Page, Index, Nr) ->
++build_slide_list(Node, Index, Nr) ->
+     lists:flatmap(
+       fun(X) ->
+               I = if X==0 -> "1" ; true -> integer_to_list(X) end,
+-              [" <a href=\"slideShow.yaws?node=",Page,"&next=",I,"\">",
++              [" <a href=\"slideShow.yaws?node=",Node,"&next=",I,"\">",
+                I,"</a> "]
+       end, lists:seq(0,Nr,5)).
+@@ -1722,37 +1727,42 @@
+ editTag(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page = getnode(Params),
+     Tag = getopt("tag", Params),
+-    {File,FileDir} = page2filename(Page, Root),
+-    case file:read_file(File) of
+-        {ok, Bin} ->
+-            {wik002,Pwd,_Email,_Time,_Who,OldTxt,_Files,_Patches} =
+-                bin_to_wik002(Bin),
+-            Wik = wiki_split:str2wiki(OldTxt),
+-            {Type, Str} = wiki_split:getRegion(list_to_integer(Tag), Wik),
+-            Str1 = case Type of
+-                       open -> quote_lt(Str);
+-                       write_append -> ""
+-                   end,
+-            wiki_templates:template2(Root, "Edit", Page,
+-                     [p("Edit this page - when you have finished hit the "
+-                        "'Preview' button to check your results."),
+-                      form("POST", "previewTagged.yaws",
+-                           [input("submit", "review", "preview"),
+-                            input("hidden", "node", Page),
+-                            input("hidden", "tag", Tag),
+-                            p(),
+-                            textarea("text", 25, 75, Str1),
+-                            p(),
+-                            hr()])], false);
+-        Error ->
+-            show({no_such_page, Page}, Root)
++    case catch list_to_integer(Tag) of
++        {'EXIT', Reason} ->
++	    show({no_such_tag, Tag}, Root);
++        ITag when integer(ITag) ->
++	    {File,FileDir} = page2filename(Page, Root),
++	    case file:read_file(File) of
++		{ok, Bin} ->
++		    {wik002,Pwd,_Email,_Time,_Who,OldTxt,_Files,_Patches} =
++			bin_to_wik002(Bin),
++		    Wik = wiki_split:str2wiki(OldTxt),
++		    {Type, Str} = wiki_split:getRegion(ITag, Wik),
++		    Str1 = case Type of
++			       open -> Str;
++			       write_append -> ""
++			   end,
++		    wiki_templates:template2(Root, "Edit", Page,
++			     [p("Edit this page - when you have finished hit the "
++			        "'Preview' button to check your results."),
++			      form("POST", "previewTagged.yaws",
++			           [input("submit", "review", "preview"),
++				    input("hidden", "node", Page),
++				    input("hidden", "tag", Tag),
++				    p(),
++				    textarea("text", 25, 75, Str1),
++				    p(),
++				    hr()])], false);
++		Error ->
++		    show({no_such_page, Page}, Root)
++	    end
+     end.
+ changePassword(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page     = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page     = getnode(Params),
+     wiki_templates:template2(
+       Root, "Edit", Page,
+@@ -1779,7 +1789,7 @@
+ changePassword2(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page     = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page     = getnode(Params),
+     OldPw    = getopt("password", Params),
+     Pw1      = getopt("password1", Params),
+     Pw2      = getopt("password2", Params),
+@@ -1808,7 +1818,7 @@
+     end.
+ previewPage(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page     = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page     = getnode(Params),
+     Cancel   = getopt("cancel", Params),
+     Delete   = getopt("delete", Params),
+     Change   = getopt("chpasswd", Params),
+@@ -1829,7 +1839,7 @@
+     end.
+ previewPage1(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page     = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page     = getnode(Params),
+     Password = getopt("password", Params),
+     Txt0     = getopt("text", Params),
+     Sid      = getopt("sid", Params,"undefined"),
+@@ -1856,7 +1866,7 @@
+ %% We *dont* want any structure here
+ previewTagged(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page = getnode(Params),
+     Tag = getopt("tag", Params),
+     Txt0 = getopt("text", Params),
+@@ -1867,7 +1877,7 @@
+         true ->
+             wiki_templates:template2(
+               Root, "Preview",
+-              p("If this region is ok hit the <i>Store</i> button "
++              p("If this region is ok hit the \"Store\" button "
+                 "otherwise return to the editing phase by clicking "
+                 "the back button in your browser."),
+               [form("POST", "storeTagged.yaws",
+@@ -1894,7 +1904,7 @@
+ legal_flat_text1([])         -> true.
+ previewNewPage(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page  = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page  = getnode(Params),
+     P1    = getopt("password1", Params),
+     P2    = getopt("password2", Params),
+     Email = getopt("email", Params),
+@@ -1930,7 +1940,7 @@
+     wiki_utils:zombies(Root).
+ allRefsToMe(Params, Root, Prefix) ->
+-    Page = getopt("node", Params),
++    Page = getnode(Params),
+     wiki_utils:findallrefsto(Page, Root).
+@@ -2025,32 +2035,32 @@
+ %%
+ password_entry(Name, Size) ->
+-    ["<INPUT TYPE=password name=", Name,"  SIZE=", i2s(Size),">\n"].
++    ["<INPUT TYPE=password name=", yaws_api:htmlize(Name),"  SIZE=", i2s(Size),">\n"].
+ password_entry(Name, Size, Value) ->
+-    ["<INPUT TYPE=password name=", Name,"  SIZE=", i2s(Size),
++    ["<INPUT TYPE=password name=", yaws_api:htmlize(Name),"  SIZE=", i2s(Size),
+      " Value=\"", Value, "\">\n"].
+ input(Type="button", Name, OnClick) ->
+-    ["<INPUT TYPE=",Type,"  Value=\"",Name,"\" onClick=\"", OnClick, "\">\n"];
++    ["<INPUT TYPE=",Type,"  Value=\"",yaws_api:htmlize(Name),"\" onClick=\"", yaws_api:htmlize(OnClick), "\">\n"];
+ input(Type="file", Name, Size) ->
+-    ["<INPUT TYPE=",Type,"  Name=\"",Name,"\" Size=\"", Size, "\">\n"];
++    ["<INPUT TYPE=",Type,"  Name=\"",yaws_api:htmlize(Name),"\" Size=\"", yaws_api:htmlize(Size), "\">\n"];
+ input(Type="checkbox", Name, Value) ->
+-    ["<INPUT TYPE=",Type,"  Name=\"",Name,"\" Value=\"", Value,
++    ["<INPUT TYPE=",Type,"  Name=\"",yaws_api:htmlize(Name),"\" Value=\"", yaws_api:htmlize(Value),
+      "\" checked>\n"];
+ input("select", Name, Values) ->
+-    Options = ["<option> " ++ Option || Option <- Values],
+-    ["<select Name=\"",Name,"\">\n", Options,
++    Options = ["<option>" ++ yaws_api:htmlize(Option) ++ "</option>" || Option <- Values],
++    ["<select Name=\"",yaws_api:htmlize(Name),"\">\n", Options,
+      "</select>\n"];
+ input(Type, Name, Value) ->
+-    ["<INPUT TYPE=",Type,"  Name=\"",Name,"\" Value=\"", Value, "\">\n"].
++    ["<INPUT TYPE=",yaws_api:htmlize(Type),"  Name=\"",yaws_api:htmlize(Name),"\" Value=\"", yaws_api:htmlize(Value), "\">\n"].
+ input(Type="checkbox", Name, Value, State) ->
+-    ["<INPUT TYPE=",Type,"  Name=\"",Name,"\" Value=\"", Value,
+-     "\" " ++ State ++ ">\n"];
++    ["<INPUT TYPE=",Type,"  Name=\"",yaws_api:htmlize(Name),"\" Value=\"", yaws_api:htmlize(Value),
++     "\" " ++ yaws_api:htmlize(State) ++ ">\n"];
+ input(Type, Name, Value, Size) ->
+-    ["<INPUT TYPE=",Type,"  Name=\"",Name,"\" Value=\"", Value,"\"",
+-     "Size=\"",Size, "\">\n"].
++    ["<INPUT TYPE=",yaws_api:htmlize(Type),"  Name=\"",yaws_api:htmlize(Name),"\" Value=\"", yaws_api:htmlize(Value),"\"",
++     "Size=\"",yaws_api:htmlize(Size), "\">\n"].
+ script(Script) ->
+     ["<script>\n", Script, "\n</script>\n"].
+@@ -2058,48 +2068,48 @@
+ form(Method, Action, Args) ->
+     ["<FORM METHOD=", Method,
+      " ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\"",
+-     " ACTION=\"", Action, "\">",
++     " ACTION=\"", yaws_api:htmlize(Action), "\">",
+      Args, "</form>\n"].
+ form(Method, Action, Name, Args) ->
+     ["<FORM METHOD=", Method,
+      " ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\"",
+-     " ACTION=\"", Action, "\" NAME=\"", Name, "\">",
++     " ACTION=\"", yaws_api:htmlize(Action), "\" NAME=\"", yaws_api:htmlize(Name), "\">",
+      Args, "</form>\n"].
+ textarea(Name, Row, Txt) ->
+-     ["<textarea name=\"", Name, "\" rows=", i2s(Row),
+-      " wrap=virtual>", Txt, "</textarea>\n"].
++     ["<textarea name=\"", yaws_api:htmlize(Name), "\" rows=", i2s(Row),
++      " wrap=virtual>", yaws_api:htmlize(Txt), "</textarea>\n"].
+ textarea(Name, Row, Cols, Txt) ->
+-     ["<textarea name=\"", Name, "\" rows=", i2s(Row),
++     ["<textarea name=\"", yaws_api:htmlize(Name), "\" rows=", i2s(Row),
+       " cols=", i2s(Cols), " wrap=virtual>",
+-      Txt, "</textarea>\n"].
++      yaws_api:htmlize(Txt), "</textarea>\n"].
+-h1(X)   -> ["<h1>",X,"</h1>"].
++h1(X)   -> ["<h1>",yaws_api:htmlize(X),"</h1>"].
+-b(X)    -> ["<b>",X,"</b>"].
++b(X)    -> ["<b>",yaws_api:htmlize(X),"</b>"].
+ p() -> "<p>".
+-p(X) -> ["<p>", X, "</p>\n"].
++p(X) -> ["<p>", yaws_api:htmlize(X), "</p>\n"].
+ br() -> ["<br>\n"].
+ hr() -> ["<hr>\n"].
+-body(X) -> ["<body bgcolor=\"", X, "\">"].
+-pre(X)  -> ["<pre>",X,"</pre>"].
++body(X) -> ["<body bgcolor=\"", yaws_api:htmlize(X), "\">"].
++pre(X)  -> ["<pre>",yaws_api:htmlize(X),"</pre>"].
+ i2s(I) -> integer_to_list(I).
+ initial_page_content() -> "\nEnter your text here\n".
+ bgcolor(C) ->
+-    ["<body bgcolor='", C, "'>\n"].
++    ["<body bgcolor='", yaws_api:htmlize(C), "'>\n"].
+ top_header(Page) ->
+     F1 = add_blanks_nicely(Page),
+     ["<h1><a href='allRefsToMe.yaws?node=",str2urlencoded(Page),
+-     "'>",F1,"</a></h1>\n"].
++     "'>",yaws_api:htmlize(F1),"</a></h1>\n"].
+ add_blanks_nicely([H1,H2|T]) ->
+     case {little_letter(H1),
+@@ -2132,7 +2142,7 @@
+              [p("You have supplied an incorrect password"),
+               p("To find out the the password fill "
+                 "in your email address and click on "
+-                "<i>Show password</i>. If you are "
++                "\"Show password\". If you are "
+                 "the registered owner of this page "
+                 "then I will tell you the password."),
+               form("POST", "sendMeThePassword.yaws",
+@@ -2151,17 +2161,12 @@
+ show(X, Root) ->
+     {html, [body("white"),"<pre>",
+-            quote_lt(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p~n",[X]))),
++            yaws_api:htmlize(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p~n",[X]))),
+             "</pre>"]}.
+ show_error(Str) ->
+     {html, [body("white"),"<pre>","Error: ",Str,"</pre>"]}.
+-quote_lt([$<|T]) -> "<" ++ quote_lt(T);
+-quote_lt([H|T])  -> [H|quote_lt(T)];
+-quote_lt([])     -> [].
+ %%----------------------------
+ %% Utilities
+ %% Notes on the encoding of URI's
+@@ -2363,6 +2368,19 @@
+ %%
++getnode(KeyList) ->
++    case getopt("node", KeyList) of
++	Node when is_list(Node)->
++	    case re:run(Node, "^[0-9A-Za-z]+$") of
++		{match, _} ->
++		    Node;
++		_ ->
++		    undefined
++	    end;
++	_ ->
++	    undefined
++    end.
+ getopt(Key, KeyList) ->
+     getopt(Key, KeyList, undefined).

Modified: yaws/trunk/debian/patches/series
--- yaws/trunk/debian/patches/series	2012-01-13 20:34:24 UTC (rev 1412)
+++ yaws/trunk/debian/patches/series	2012-01-18 05:51:57 UTC (rev 1413)
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@

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