[Pkg-exim4-users] config files under debian

Jeremiah Foster jeremiah.foster at devmodul.com
Tue Aug 30 21:28:14 UTC 2005

Under debian, is dc_other_hostnames expanded into local_domains? There 
is no mention of specifically for dc_other_hostsnames in the debian 
documentation. I did grep a mention of it in the Change_log however;

	mailname is not implicitely made a local domain, instead it is listed
	explicitely in dc_other_hostnames, where users can easily remove it 

By the above snippet might I assume the following;

	The "mailname" of the host is not implicitly set through the 
local_domain mechanism under Debain. Instead
	in the file /etc/exim4/update.conf.conf dc_other_hostnames is used 
which will be used to create the Debian
	version of the exim4 configuration file.



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