[Pkg-exim4-users] 297623: Solution to sa-exim permission problems under Debian

Ross Boylan ross@biostat.ucsf.edu
Thu, 10 Mar 2005 16:40:24 -0800

As reported earlier to this bug, sa-exim was getting lots of errors
attempting to write logging information.

/var/spool/sa-exim/, where it was trying to write, had owner and group
of "mail".

However, under Debian, exim4 runs as "Debian-exim" for many of its
initial operations.  sa-exim appears to run under this user id.

By executing
# chgrp -R Debian-exim /var/spool/sa-exim
I seem to have fixed the permission troubles.

Probably both the user and group should be Debian-exim.

This issue is Debian specific (i.e., it only matters for the Debian
package).  Note exim4 is the default MTA for sarge.

The choice of Debian-exim4 is deliberate, an attempt to conform to
Debian policy.  So I think it's the sa-exim package that needs to

Perhaps this is only an issue for upgraders.

cc'ing various lists of people who might want to know about this.
Ross Boylan                                      wk:  (415) 502-4031
530 Parnassus Avenue (Library) rm 115-4          ross@biostat.ucsf.edu
Dept of Epidemiology and Biostatistics           fax: (415) 476-9856
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94143-0840                     hm:  (415) 550-1062