[Pkg-exim4-users] accept some IP/users deny others

Mathieu Ruellan mathieu.ruellan at breizh-biniou.dyndns.org
Fri Sep 2 06:37:59 UTC 2005

Pepo a écrit :

>Hi friends...
>	I am using exim4 (exim4-daemon-light) 4.52-1 in my Sarge, and I have a little 
>LAN (PC1:, PC2:, PC3: the first is my box.
>	Please, how do I accept any local mail in my LAN, but just PC2: 
>can send mails to Internet? and if you can help me with the same but only few 
>users can send to Internet.
>	I hope that you can help me, it is urgent for me.
edit /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf

dc_relay_nets=' :'



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