[Pkg-exim4-users] SMTP-AUTH not working

Chris Purves chris at northfolk.ca
Tue Jan 16 21:57:38 CET 2007


I am having difficulties getting AUTH to work for remote connections.  I 
have had it working in the past, but don't normally use my server for 
sending e-mail because it has a dynamic IP.  Yesterday I found that it 
doesn't seem to be working at all.  I have tried with Thunderbird and 
Opera to send e-mail, both say something the server is not accepting 
SMTP connections or is not set up properly.

I am using saslauthd for authentication.  My setup is detailed here: 

The only difference is I added AUTH_SERVER_ALLOW_NOTLS_PASSWORDS = true 
to try to debug the problem.  I used telnet to confirm that AUTH LOGIN 
works, but I can't understand why my e-mail client won't.

I also found that when using telnet remotely, the welcome banner was 
very slow to come up ~60s.  I set rfc1413_query_timeout = 0s to get 
around that.  I don't know if these are related.

Thanks for any help.

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