[Pkg-exim4-users] exim paniclog on thelma has non-zero size

Robert Steinmetz AIA rob at steinmetznet.com
Wed Oct 8 16:26:07 UTC 2008

Ross Boylan wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 13:08 -0500, Robert Steinmetz AIA wrote:
>> I got this error in the panic log.
>> 2008-10-03 15:17:21 1Klq15-0003wz-TM spam acl condition: error reading 
>> from spam
>> d socket: Connection timed out
>> Nothing since that date and time.
>> Is it something I should be concerned about?
> I see such warnings fairly routinely.  I have always taken then to mean
> that spamd got momentarily overloaded, and things seem to proceed OK
> after that.  However, I have a feeling they indicate some problem that I
> just haven't been able to identify.  And I don't really know what's
> going on.
> Ross Boylan
That is what I think also. Either spamd or the whole system is 
momentarily overloaded, although I see no other indication of that. I 
would expect an error different than a "time out" if spamd were not 
running. I'd expect something like "unable to connect". When I check it 
is running.

I haven't gotten this error since 10/3, shortly after I cleared all of 
the logs and did some minor reconfiguration. Like you I'm concerned it 
may indicate some other underlying problem.

So far no identifiable problem with mail delivery. I may look into 
improving the mail system performance.

Robert Steinmetz, AIA
Steinmetz & Associates

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