[Pkg-exim4-users] Multihomed smarthost

Hans Ekbrand hans.ekbrand at gmail.com
Wed Dec 25 00:18:31 UTC 2013

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 10:06:54AM +0000, ael wrote:
> My smarthost is multihomed: dns lookup replies with a list of addresses
> none of which matches the "collective address".
> So looking up smpt.example.com yields
>  x.y.z.4
>  x.y.z.5
>  x.y.z.6  etc.
> Reverse dns on these addresses gives smtp1.example.com,smtp2.example.com
> and so on.  This is a very common way of spreading load and adding
> resilience, I think.
> However, setting
> dc_smarthost='smtp.example.com::578'
>  in update-exim.conf.conf
> fails the reverse dns test - which is perhaps not very surprising. 

I thought the point with a reverse dns test was used to make it harder
for spammers to mail to you, not to stop you from sending mail with
whatever smarthost you want to. Are you asking how to make exim stop
using that test?

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