[Pkg-exim4-users] sporadic invalid helo -- setting primary_hostname

Jonathan Addleman jono at redowl.ca
Wed Mar 2 03:37:27 UTC 2016

On 27/02/16 06:04 PM, J G Miller wrote:
> So you need to ensure that primary_hostname is set to something,
> preferably via a "global" macro (global in the sense that it can be
> reused for one or more "specific" macro instances) in 01_exim4-config_listmacrosdefs.

Thanks, that helps a lot! I'm a little wary of this fix though, because 
the docs say pretty clearly "Please refrain from using primary_hostname 
unless you cannot avoid using it. It enhances the complexity of your 
configuration and leads to error issues that are a hell to debug. ".

That said, I don't see where the problems might arise here, so I think 
I'll do what you suggest, unless someone else can explain why it would 
be a bad idea!

Jonathan Addleman - http://www.redowl.ca

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