<HTML><BODY>Hello dear developers i have a question about this awesome FGLRX driver.<br>I see that linux kernel is moving forward very fast , and years pass us very fast. Last time was 2013 and i feel it like yestarday when i compiling my fglrx driver for my debian :)<br>But today in 2019 everything is on 4.19 kernel and that old driver can't run.<br><br>Can you help me how to compile it for linux-debian myself , just point me in the right direction.<br>Or maybe you have build that i can use.<br><br>My GPU is old like the world but still runing the games , i use ATI HD 4670 PCI-E 512 mb 128bit Directx 10.1. It's not the best but does the job.<br><br>I post threads in different linux distributions but no answers anywhere. I guess people just forgot about this and dont wanna get thier hands dirty.<br>My recent post was here -> <a href="https://community.parrotsec.org/t/atihd4670-cata13-1-fglrx-8-97/6264">https://community.parrotsec.org/t/atihd4670-cata13-1-fglrx-8-97/6264</a> <br><br><br>Also i find some patches from arch linux community - <a href="https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/catalyst-total-hd234k/">https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/catalyst-total-hd234k/</a> but they aren't having any guides and info.<br><br>Please be well and good day/evening gentalmen/s :)<br><br><br><br>-- <br>Мартин Борисов</BODY></HTML>