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Thank you for registering to NextStepSupport - for all students affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
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We are here to help you with your career journey during the coronavirus pandemic. Stay tuned for the latest updates, news and views surrounding the current situation.
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Receive updates from a host of universities through to top UK employers on how they have been addressing the coronavirus situation.
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<br />The lockdown has caused additional stress and uncertainty for students. Learn about ways to maintain a positive wellbeing and cope with the current situation.
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<br />Register to attend our free webinars and hear from UK & Ireland employers about how to boost your employability and get ahead during these uncertain times.
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<br />Take the next step. For the latest advice and updates, visit <a href="https://mxm.mxmfb.com/rsps/m/OKoJyBtPJ70kiHwKcDC07e_n3D25vHKMK4Gl_3duQ3Q" style="color: #1e75b0; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none">NextStepSupport.org</a>.
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