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<p><font face="Tahoma">A new Intent to Announce has been published by the Contracting Authority: Finance Department <br> entitled: Notice for the confirmation dated 9/3/2024 10:53:07 a.m.<br><br><a href="https://mcusercontent.com/c4cf5ee7f8830296d6500d7f4/files/9eda4b20-89ac-2508-0107-c0e25197f8d0/423.xls">Click here</a> to view <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="https://mcusercontent.com/c4cf5ee7f8830296d6500d7f4/files/9eda4b20-89ac-2508-0107-c0e25197f8d0/423.xls">
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