ITP: warsow -- a standalone, eSport oriented first personn shooter

Alexander Schmehl tolimar at
Fri Jun 30 07:31:34 UTC 2006


* Bruno Kleinert <fuddl at> [060630 01:02]:
> This one time, at band camp, Gonéri Le Bouder wrote:

> hmmmm.... i found this in the warsow forum:
> maybe warsow has a chance for the 'non-free' section?

I really like the following part: "[the Artworks] can be used as long as
you specify who are the authors and asking them their permission first."

> i'm really confused about this game, though i like it, but their
> chaotic licence-foo is damn annoying :(

I read the above basically as "undistributable until further notice";
since it seems no one ever checked any license with the authors of these
parts of the game, which means we have no license statement about it,
which meanrs we aren't allowed to do anything about it, which in turn
means undistributable and not even fit for non-free.

Even if upstream could check that, I would still have a bad feeling,
that there could be more timebombs left upstream didn't check in their
chaotic stile.

Yours sincerely,


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