wolf3d yaml conversion

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Mon Jan 12 13:49:16 UTC 2015

On 12/01/15 13:20, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> Am Montag, den 12.01.2015, 14:15 +0100 schrieb Fabian Greffrath: 
>> Could we for example agree on (1) the full name of the game, then (2) a
>> key word describing the type of the data in parentheses, if applicable
>> and usefull to distinguish different sets, e.g.
>> demo/registered/shareware and (3) finally a colon followed by the name
>> of the episode/mission pack, if applicable?

Sorry to be "that guy": but: patches (or at least, lists of exact game
names that you would prefer) welcome.

At the moment my focus is on making things work, not on making the
packages' names 100% consistent :-)

> The Game (shareware): The Prequel

In most cases (all except ROTT?) we can just say "The Game (shareware)"
or "The Game (demo)" (as appropriate), or possibly "The Game: The
Subtitle (demo)".

ROTT is weird because the demo is a separate prequel rather than the
first chapter/episode/mission of the full game, so it has its own
separate subtitle.

> The Game (registered): The Full Story

I would rather omit the "(registered)" or "(full version)" unless
there's a special reason to distinguish it; it's the
demo/shareware/cut-down version that is the special one, IMO.

So, normally "The Game", unless there happens to be a canonical subtitle
(as for Hexen and Heretic), in which case "The Game: The Subtitle".

The formal titles of some games already include a subtitle:

* Quake III Arena is not Quake III: Arena (but its expansion
  is, at least sometimes, Quake III: Team Arena, which I might have
  spelled wrong in gdp)

* Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast seems to be a pretty widely
  accepted way to spell it

* similarly its sequel is Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
  (sometimes nicknamed Jedi Knight 3 but it was never actually sold
  under that name; not to be confused with
  Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, aka Jedi Knight 1)

> The Game (registered) - Mission Pack 1: The First Sequel
> The Game (registered) - Mission Pack 2: The Second Sequel

Where there are conflicts I'm inclined to go for what the game/expansion
is called in semi-formal contexts (by its publisher, on Wikipedia, in
reviews, etc.).

Wikipedia says Quake has Quake Mission Pack No. 1: Scourge of Armagon
and Quake Mission Pack No. 2: Dissolution of Eternity. I think we could
reasonably skip the "No.".

Wikipedia thinks Quake II's expansions are called Quake II Mission Pack:
The Reckoning and Quake II Mission Pack: Ground Zero. I don't know
whether they even *have* a canonical order.

Other games' expansions aren't always called "mission packs". In
human-readable text I think we should use the published naming, so
"episode", "mission", "mission pack", whatever the term of art is.

In "technical" text (package names, etc.) I think it's reasonable to
abbreviate more.


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