Bug#966150: openarena: undefined symbol: __atan2_finite on pak6-patch088/uix86_64.so

smcv at debian.org smcv at debian.org
Thu Jul 23 22:56:13 BST 2020

Control: tags -1 + confirmed

On Thu, 23 Jul 2020 at 22:39:32 +0200, Jérémy Lal wrote:
> "Failed loading /usr/lib/openarena/baseoa/pak6-patch088/uix86_64.so: /usr/lib/openarena/baseoa/pak6-patch088/uix86_64.so: undefined symbol: __atan2_finite"

This seems to be a recent behaviour change, perhaps related to the recent
upgrades to glibc 2.31 and gcc 10.

The UI module has undefined references to symbols from libm. Previously,
it was able to pick up those symbols because the executable
(/usr/lib/ioquake3/ioquake3) is linked to libm, which puts libm's symbols
in the global namespace that is used to satisfy undefined symbols in
newly-loaded modules; but now it doesn't find that symbol.

(Building these modules as native objects is not something that upstream
supports very seriously, and the only reason we're doing that in Debian
is that the bytecode version used by upstream needs the non-Free lcc


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