Bug#981520: Adressing the concerns

Wouter Wijsman wouter.wijsman at qbeyond.de
Tue Feb 2 08:26:47 GMT 2021

Hi Alex Beckert,

Thanks for the report and the suggestions. I'm developer for Minigalaxy 
and your concerns make sense.

To address the suggested solutions. Using an external browser for 
authentication is unfortunately not possible with Minigalaxy, because 
after the login Minigalaxy takes the page URL to get the code which is 
used to authenticate with the API. With an external browser retrieving 
this would not be possible. Showing the URL of the browser window could 
be implemented.

Some additional information about how the systems works at the moment:

- It uses the girl1.2-webkit2-4.0 package for the webkit engine.

- It uses HTTPS for all API calls and for the login screens. In the code 
you can see HTTPS is used here: 

Having said all that, this does not seem like a security issue to me. 
Authentication happens using the same page the official GOG client for 
Windows does. The user could be concerned, but there does not seem to be 
an actual security risk.

Hopefully this helps understand how Minigalaxy does authentication a bit 
better and makes you feel less worried. An issue has been created in our 
issue tracker to address the visibility of the URL in the browser window.

Kind regards,

Wouter Wijsman

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