[Pkg-giraffe-discuss] Kopano webapp desktopnotifications plugin

Roel van Meer roel at 1afa.com
Fri Jul 12 21:53:25 BST 2019

Hello again,

basic packaging for the desktopnotifications plugin is done (see [1] and  
[2]). I've decided not to use Ant but use a small bash script instead.

It builds and is lintian clean. There are some empty directories for  
translation files, but upstream has those already (they're not in this  
package because they're not part of a tagged release).

I'd appreciate any feedback. If there are no big issues, I'll do some other  
plugins next week.

Have a nice weekend,


[1] https://github.com/roelvanmeer/kopano-webapp-desktopnotifications-plugin-packaging
[2] https://travis-ci.org/roelvanmeer/kopano-webapp-desktopnotifications-plugin-packaging

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