<font face="Default Sans Serif,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2"><div><br>Barclay's Bank PLC, UK<br>1 Churchill Place<br>London, E14 5HP, United Kingdom<br><a href="http://www.barclays.co.uk">http://www.barclays.co.uk</a><br><br>Dear Esteemed Customer<br><br>We at this bank wish to congratulate and inform you that after through review of your Inheritance/Contract funds transfer release documents in conjunction with the World Bank and the IMF assessment report, your payment file was forwarded to us for immediate transfer of a part-payment of US$800,000.00 to your designated bank account from their offshore account with us<br><br>The audit reports given to us, shows that you have been going through hard times by paying a lot of money to see to the release of your funds, which has been delayed by some dubious officials.<br><br>We therefore advice that you stop further communication with any correspondence outside this office since you do not have to pay any money or fee to receive your funds as you have met up with the whole funds transfer requirements.<br><br>The only thing required from you is to obtain the Non-Residential Clearance to enable us credit your account directly by telegraphic transfer or through any of our corresponding banks and send copies of the funds transfer release documents to you and your bankers for confirmation.<br><br>Should you follow our directives, your funds will be credited and reflect in your bank account within five (5) bank working days from the day you obtain this Non-Residential Clearance.<br><br>For further details and assistance on this Remittance Notification, kindly forward your<br>FULL NAME:<br>FULL CONTACT ADDRESS:<br>TELEPHONE and FAX NUMBERS:<br>Directly to my private ;E-mail: <a href="mailto:mrshelenkeelan@mail2finance.com">mrshelenkeelan@mail2finance.com</a>,<a href="mailto:helenkeeln.bbplc@outlook.com">helenkeeln.bbplc@outlook.com</a> <br><br>Yours sincerely,<br>Mrs. Helen Keelan<br>Head, International Banking Division.<br>Barclay's Bank PLC, UK.</div></font><font face="sans-serif"><body>
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