[Pkg-gmagick-im-team] Bug#773980: libmagickcore-6.q16-2: 8: breaks images in GNU Emacs 24 (displayed as single colour rectangles)

Adam Sjøgren asjo at koldfront.dk
Fri Dec 26 21:24:06 UTC 2014

Bastien writes:

>> When displaying an image in GNU Emacs 24 (package emacs24), after
>> upgrading from ImageMagick 8: to 8:, images with
>> :type 'imagemagick are displayed as single colour rectangles.

> Thanks could you get the exact command running ?

I don't understand your question.

I tried to explain how to reproduce the problem:

>> To reproduce:
>>  * Install emacs24
>>  * Run emacs --no-init-file my-test-image.el
>>    Type M-x eval-buffer
>>    Where the file my-test-image.el contains:
>> == =
>> (defun my-test-image ()
>>   (let* ((image (create-image "/usr/share/emacs/24.4/etc/images/splash.xpm"))
>>          (magnitude 2.0)
>>          (size (image-size image t))
>>          (spec (cdr image)))
>>     (plist-put spec :type 'imagemagick)
>>     (plist-put spec :width  (round (* (car size) magnitude)))
>>     (plist-put spec :height (round (* (cdr size) magnitude)))
>>     (insert-image image)))
>> (my-test-image) ;; M-x eval-buffer should insert a scaled splash image.
>>                 ;; With 8: a blue rectangle is shown instead.
>> == =

But I guess you're looking for something else?

  Best regards,


 "You'll see my chainsaw coming                               Adam Sjøgren
  I'm drawing the line"                                  asjo at koldfront.dk

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