Bug#349795: BUG 349795 No current directory in chooser

Greg Kochanski greg.kochanski at phonetics.oxford.ac.uk
Thu Dec 6 09:37:22 UTC 2007

This part of my bug report was somehow lost:
 >> It doesn't list on obvious place for Linux users: the
 >> current directory ('.').   It should.

 > With current versions of OpenOffice and GTK+, the directory where the
 > file was opened from is the default save as location. Is this what you
 > wanted? If not, please clarify your request.

No, that's not the problem I was referring to.
What I meant was the following.

Suppose you do this:

mkdir /tmp/foo
cd /tmp/foo
ooffice   /home/gpk/some_ooffice_document.odt
---create a document --
File->Save As

Now, at this point the chooser will show a list of directories,
but the list will not include /tmp/foo .

Yes, as you say, it will let you save into /home/gpk easily,
but not the current working directory (the directory where you
were when you started Open Office).     There's no trivial way
to save it "here", or dot, or ".".

A fully GUI-ized person may not care about cwd(), but some of
us still use terminal emulators and even *gasp* run openoffice
from the command line.

Sorry for the delay, but the essential part of my bug report
was somehow dropped in your request for clarification, so
I couldn't figure out what was going on.

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